Attosecond-femtosecond pump-probe: Attoline
backLocation | Contact | |
ETH Zurich, IQE Ultrafast Laser Physics Auguste-Piccard-Hof 1 8093 Zurich | Dr. Matteo Lucchini Tel: +41 44 633 39 14 ml uc ch in i@ ph ys .e th z. ch | |
Configuration / Setup | | Literature |
Multi-pass, two-stage Ti:sapphire amplifier (Femtolasers Femtopower V CEP).
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Attoline schematic | Attosecond pulse generation | |
.![]() ![]() The image shows a schematic of the attoline. Since the generated photons are in the XUV spectral region the whole line has to be in vacuum. The first five vacuum chambers (green frame) are used to properly modify the driving IR beam properties and generate the XUV light. The chamber in the blue frame is placed in the first interaction region for pump-probe experiments and hosts a TOF spectrometer. In the last part of the attoline (red frame) we find the photon spectrometer and the second interaction region where other experiments can be accomodated. In the given example a hemispherical analyzer for photoemission studies from solid-state targets is connected to the attoline (orange frame). | ![]() ![]() During the interaction between a strong infrared (IR) pulse with the atoms of a gas, high-order harmonics of the driving field are generated (HHG). Since the HHG repeats itself each half optical cycle of the IR field, a comb of odd harmonic is generated in frequency. The first pictures on the left shows the spectra of harmonics generated with 30 fs (black) or 5 fs (red) IR pulses. HHG corresponds in time to the generation of a train of attosecond pulses. If the HHG process is gated such that the generation can occur only within one half-optical cycle, a single attosecond pulse (SAP) can be selected. The second picture shows a cross-correlation trace used to fully characterize the SAP generated in the attoline. |