International Women Scientists Meeting, Zurich
Thursday, 03.10.2013 – Friday, 04.10.2013, ETH Zurich
This two day meeting, organized by the Cluster of Excellence RESOLV network in Germany and NCCR MUST, involved 35 participants from 14 universities in Germany and Switzerland. Scientists from NCCR QSIT also joined. The program included a training workshop from the SheBoss organization in Germany, lab tours, and scientific talks from the junior research leaders in the network. It was a networking meeting involving professors, postdoc and Ph.D. students.
International Women Scientists Meeting, Zurich
Ruhr Bochum Resolv website
Ursula Keller meets Bundesrat Johann Schneider-Ammann
On 18 June 2013, Ursula Keller, NCCR Director was invited to a meeting with Bundesrat member Johann Schneider-Ammann, by the FDP (Free Democratic Party) Frauen Association.
ETH Women Professors Forum (ETH WPF) June 2013
The ETH Women Professors Forum (ETH WPF) was created officially in May 2012.
In June 2013 the membership has reached 79% of the eligible female professors at ETH (48 professors out of 61).
There have been 7 scientific and networking lunches hosted by the professors on the ETH WPF Executive Board. An ETH WPF consultative Retreat on April 8, 2012 lead to the creation of a Recommmendations Document presented, by the ETH WPF Executive Board, to the ETH Schulleitung in a meeting on May 28, 2013.
Full details of all the activities can be found on our ETH WPF webpages
ETH Women Professors Forum
MUST Annual Meeting, Engelberg - Women Scientists Workshop 8th January 2013
The NCCR MUST Women Scientists Workshop, Career Pathways in Academic Science, 9am - 12pm, 8th January 2013 was held during the Annual Meeting, 8th - 10th January 2013.Dr. Tricia Hunt, Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Imperial College, London gave a presentation "Becoming a Lecturer" on the academic system in the UK. There were contributions from Prof Ursula Röthlisberger who made a presentation about her career and Dr. Natalie Banerji, EPFL, an SNSF Ambizione award winner who talk about her career choices so far and future plans.
22 participants from the network attended. The workshop was designed so that, during the second half, the participants could speak with all the contributing speakers, who in rotation, worked with smaller groups.
The presentations from Dr. Tricia Hunt, Dr. Natalie Banerji and Prof. Ursula Röthlisberger can be accessed below: