Undergraduate and Masters Careers Event, ETH Zurich, May 22, 2012
Frauen in der Physik: Wege und Möglichkeiten, May 22nd 2012, 4 - 7pm, HIT E 51, ETH Hönggerberg, Zurich (mainly in German)
Aim: to encourage young women physics students by presenting real-life experiences for a future in physics. An apéro followed the presentations.
The speakers were:
Cinia Schriber, ETH Zurich, PhD student
Dr. Elisabeth Müller, Senior Researcher, ETH Zurich
Prof. Ursula Keller, ETH Zurich
Dr. Elena Mengotti, Project Leader, ABB Zurich
These 4 women physicists, at different stages of their life and careers, talked about their life choices, the possibilities of a career using a physics degree, their experiences as students, in industry and academia. They gave advice on possible ways forward for undergraduate women and masters students studying physics.
The main advice was "Think positive, think big, be open to possibilities that come your way. There are so many ways to make choices, and to have a career. Choose what works for you, believe in yourself, but look for support and mentoring as much as possible."

The event was organized from a collaboration between Anna Garry, NCCR MUST, Mirijam Kandler, ETH Coaching Office and Evelyne Kappel, ETH Career's Office.