20th Anniversary of SNF Marie Heim-Vögtlin (MHV) programme
The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) celebrates 20 years of awarding fellowships to women academics who have taken a career/family break. For profiles of 9 scientists who have returned to research careers after receiving these awards follow the Marie Heim-Vögtlin Programme link.
Award Winners of L´Oreal-UNESCO, Dirac Medal, and EPS Prize 2011
Professor Anne L'Huillier, Lund University, Sweden2011 L'Oréal-Unesco Award for Women and Scientific Excellence
For her work on the development of the fastest camera for recording the movement of electrons in attoseconds (a billionth of a billionth of a second).
Professor Letizia Gonzalez, University of Jena, Germany
2011 Dirac Medal is a annual prize for the outstanding computational chemist in the world under the age of 40.
For her contributions to the combination of accurate quantum chemical methods for electronic excited states with quantum reaction dynamics to control chemical reactions.
Professor Ursula Keller, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
2011 European Physical Society Prize for Applied Aspects of Quantum Electronics and Optics.
For her seminal contributions to ultrafast solid-state lasers, telecommunications, metrology, and attosecond science.