OPN Column September 2012: Reflections in Diversity
A Formula for Success by Renetta and Damon Tull, May 2012 Dr Renetta Tull is Assistant Dean of Graduate Student Development at the University of Maryland Baltimore. Damon Tull is a technology professional in Washington DC, USA
Scientists often struggle with how to improve diversity in their field, in part because the problem seems overwhelmingly complex and multi-faceted. Here Renetta and Damon Tull attempt to lead women, minorities and others toward success using a tool that many physicists love best: the equation.
In this column the authors discuss the parameters that influence the advancement of scientists such as funding, mentoring and preparation, they then developed the POWER equation created by the African-American physicist Shirley Ann Jackson to create a formula for SUCCESS, intended as a good tool to guide graduate students and beyond.
Dr Renetta Tull