Vis-pump/IR-probe transient absorption
backLocation | Contact | |||
Sciences II University of Geneva 30, Quai Ernest Ansermet 1211 Geneva 4 | Marius Koch Tel + 41 22 379 31 86 m ar iu s. ko ch @u ni ge .c h | |||
Setup / Configuration | Literature | |||
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The image shows the sample area where the two IR beams (red) are focussed into the sample using parabolic gold mirrors. One of the beams is spatially overlapped with the Vis-pump pulse (blue). The black arrows indicate the position of the flow cell system which can be moved in X/Y/Z direction via µm screws. | Two linearly polarized IR-beams measure simultaneously the vibrational response of the sample in a flow cell system similar to Ref 1. The first IR-beam measures a sample volume that was excited by the pump while the second beam measures an unexcited sample volume. Transient dichroism measurements can also be performed. |