Pump-probe transient absorption spectrometer excitation: at 355nm
spectral range probe: 350nm - 600nm, 250nm - 800nm under construction
time resolution: <1ns
Excitation at 532nm will be soon available
Picture: Reference and signal spectrometers (front ) and Nd:YAG pump laser (back)
As probe light a white light continuum from a 400nm femtosecond source is used. A passively Q-switched YAG laser with 100ps pulse duration serves as excitation source at 500 Hz. It is synchronized to the fs laser system through a programmable delay generator. Time resolution in the ns range is achieved through a high-resolution time delay counter and a shot-to-shot sorting algorithm. The upper limiting time delay is about 800μs, dictated by the repetition rate of the fs laser system.
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