Joseph Eberly
ETH-FAST Fellow from 1 November - 2 November 2012
Joseph EberlyProfessor at University of Rochester, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rochester, NY
Prof. Eberly's research interests are in the general field of theoretical Quantum Optics, Quantum Information and AMO Science. Recent results from his group include the co-discovery of a new quantum entanglement effect called sudden death, the derivation of area theorems that govern nonlocal effects in coupled optical pulses, and the prediction of new phenomena in high-field double ionization of atoms.
Seminar cycle with Lectures
01.11.12, Lecture 1: What is the SENE approach to high-field atomic effects? (PDF, 4.16 MB)
Between TDSE and TDNE, and without reference to tunneling, there is a new approach to multiphoton ionization theory labelled SENE. An overview will be presented of the SENE method in connection with high-field atomic and molecular phenomena where its application appears promising.
02.11.12, Lecture 2: Understanding light polarization a bit better (PDF, 4.67 MB)
The nature of light polarization is not so well understood as the theories of George Stokes and Emil Wolf would lead us to believe. A wider viewpoint is required in order to accommodate the needs of increasingly complex light fields. It turns out that even for completely classical light, entanglement plays an important role.
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