Dr. Elsa Abreu, Johnson Group, ETH Zurich
IntraMUST Women Postdoc Awardee
Research: My postodoctoral research at ETH focuses on investigating the ultrafast dynamics of complex materials, in particular multiferroics. Complex materials are characterized by a variety of phases that originate from a strong interplay between different degrees of freedom. The unique properties arising from these interactions are interesting not only from a fundamental perspective but also from the point of view of applications that make use of their inherent multifunctionality. Multiferroics have drawn particular attention due to the coupling between electric and magnetic excitations they exhibit, which enables control of both the polarization and the magnetization using either electric or magnetic fields. The goal of my project is to investigate switching dynamics in multiferroic systems using mostly optical and THz techniques, complemented by x-ray spectroscopic and structural measurements. Ultrafast experiments track the evolution of specific properties in the system following a well defined excitation, both of which can be controlled by a careful choice of pump and probe characteristics. This approach will allow us to selectively investigate the magnetization dynamics in different multiferroic materials. Comparing the photoinduced response of different multiferroics following optical or THz excitation additionally acts as a test to the generality of our conclusions regarding the relevant mechanisms and timescales.
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IntraMUST Women Postdoc Awardee
Research: My postodoctoral research at ETH focuses on investigating the ultrafast dynamics of complex materials, in particular multiferroics. Complex materials are characterized by a variety of phases that originate from a strong interplay between different degrees of freedom. The unique properties arising from these interactions are interesting not only from a fundamental perspective but also from the point of view of applications that make use of their inherent multifunctionality. Multiferroics have drawn particular attention due to the coupling between electric and magnetic excitations they exhibit, which enables control of both the polarization and the magnetization using either electric or magnetic fields. The goal of my project is to investigate switching dynamics in multiferroic systems using mostly optical and THz techniques, complemented by x-ray spectroscopic and structural measurements. Ultrafast experiments track the evolution of specific properties in the system following a well defined excitation, both of which can be controlled by a careful choice of pump and probe characteristics. This approach will allow us to selectively investigate the magnetization dynamics in different multiferroic materials. Comparing the photoinduced response of different multiferroics following optical or THz excitation additionally acts as a test to the generality of our conclusions regarding the relevant mechanisms and timescales.
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