Scientifica, September 4-6, 2015

Scientifica is a regular science exhibition for the Swiss public, organised by the ETH Zürich and the University of Zürich. The theme of the 2013 Scientifica was light. The NCCR MUST will participate with a stand, exhibits and experiments resulting from the NCCR MUST Education Competition, and short lectures.
The title of our booth was "Forschung, schneller als die Polizei erlaubt", "Research beyond the speed-limit". For impressions of our booth see the photo gallery below, and the D-Phys website.
Prof. Peter Hamm showed laser experiments: "Wie das Gummibärchen zum Laser wird", or "How to turn a jelly baby into a laser" (see also the UZH news item), while Prof. Jean-Pierre Wolf answered the question whether lasers can change the weather "Können Laserstrahlen das Wetter ändern".