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OPN Column February 2019

OPN Column February 2019

What does Gender have to do with Physics? Tomas Brage

A physics professor and expert in gender equity and equal opportunity advises abandoning a purely objective view of science to address bias.

Tomas Brage (3toy5maj's.f5brm$agi6e@m3fyh5sik&k.a6luq7.sd9em) is a professor at the Department of Physics at Lund University, Sweden, a steering member of the thematic group for gender of the LERU universities and an expert advisor to several European networks. more

The question posed in the title implicitly raises a “positivistic paradox.” Physics is grounded in an objective, genderless description of reality. Yet the history, classrooms and especially the decision making in physics is dominated by men. How is a subject that seems inherently independent of sex and gender so gendered in its culture? Londa Schiebinger from Stanford University, USA,
author of the book Has Feminism Changed Science?, offers a three-pronged approach to tackling this question: numbers, culture and knowledge. These dimensions are clearly intertwined, not the least in physics, in which culture defines what knowledge is worth searching for—even in “curiosity-driven,” basic science (simply ask whose curiosity drives the research). Download the full article below.
Tomas Brage OPN column February2019
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