SMALA - SMart Agriculture using LAsers
Duration: 24 months, Start: January 2020
Academic project leader: Jean-Pierre Wolf, Institution: GAP Biophotonics, University of Geneva. Industrial project partner: AGROLASE (website in preparation).The use of pesticides in agriculture has become a major environmental concern. Drastic reduction of pesticides can be obtained by novel technologies (“smart agriculture”) which involve photonics. We developed a method based on artificial intelligence and digital holography that allows identifying and quantifying pathogens in fields with very high temporal and spatial resolution. A network of connected stand-alone laser devices provides a real time risk assessment to the producer on his field at sub-parcellar resolution. A close collaboration with the Federal Department of Agriculture is currently carried out to improve models and forecast of infection, for drastic pesticide reduction in vineyards. The technology was awarded in 2020 the Agrovina’s Innovation Award (R&D).

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