Education Day Geneva 2011
<<18 participants from ETH Zurich, Uni Zurich, Uni Bern, EPFL, Uni Geneva and the PSI discussed possible approaches in MUST for developing educational tools for ultrafast science.
A presentation was made on the Photonics Days, D-Phys, Uni Bern, where 180 children from gymnasium participated in physics experiments.
Prof Jean-Pierre Wolf, Uni Geneva, demonstrated the "air laser" and there was demonstration of an "orange laser" built in ULP, ETH Zurich. This laser emits in the blue, but is visible as orange. It is also safe, so has great potential to be laser used in exhibition.
Fritz Gassman introduced the teaching experience from the iLab, PSI.
Prof Andreas Müller presented research on the pedagological efficacy of scientific educational tools. Inputs from experts in science education influenced demonstrate the need to link our future education work with schools.
The science exhibition space PhysiScope (created from the work of NCCR MaNEP) was introduced by Prof Christoph Renner, Director MaNep. Experiments on superconductivity were demonstrated by Olivier Gaumer.
Prof Alexandre Alexakis organized a visit to ChimiScop (newly inaugurated 24th November 2011) where Ph.D. students demonstrated the experiments they use with childres.
NCCR MUST Education Day, December 8 in Geneva: Air Laser demonstration
LinksPhysiscope, NCCR MaNEP, University of Geneva
Chimiscope, University of Geneva
iLab, PSI, Villigen
Program (PDF, 1.76 MB)
List of Participants
Laura Abrardi, University of Bern, NCCR MUST
Marc Achermann, University of Lucerne, NCCR MUST
Alexandre Alexakis, University of Geneva
Susanne Bachmann, ETH Zurich, NCCR MUST
Thomas Feurer, University of Bern, NCCR MUST
Anna Garry, ETH Zurich, NCCR MUST
Fritz Gassmann, PSI
Olivier Gaumer, University of Geneva
Matthias Hengsberger, University of Zurich, NCCR MUST
Ursula Keller, ETH Zurich, NCCR MUST
Jacques Moser, EPFL, NCCR MUST
Andreas Müller, University of Geneva
Patrycja Paruch, University of Geneva, NCCR MaNEP
Christoph Renner, University of Geneva, NCCR MaNEP
Rainer Sigg, ETH Zurich, NCCR MUST
Thomas Südmeyer, University of Neuchatel, NCCR MUST
Eric Vauthey, University of Geneva, NCCR MUST
Jean-Pierre Wolf, University of Geneva, NCCR MUST
Generating light with a bike : PhysiScope, NCCR MaNEP