28.02.2018 | University of Geneva | Boussole, Journée d'Info - open day for high school children | Geneva |
22.03.2018 | University of Bern | Taster Day (SchnupperTag) in Natural Sciences for High School children | Bern |
23.03.2018 | ETH Zürich | “Chemistry on Computers: the dance of molecules”, Prof. Jeremy Richardson, D-CHAB, 23.02.2018, Tag der Offenen Laboratorien | Zürich |
19.06.2018 | ETH Zürich | Blitzschnelle Spitzenforschung, Prof. Ursula Keller, D-PHYS, organised by Public Tours ETH | Zürich |
4-14 Sept. 2017 | PSI | Master School 2017 Introducing photons, neutrons, and muons for materials characterization | Villigen |
16.9.2017 | Uni Bern | Nacht der Forschung, with 9000 visitors, with Prof. Thomas Feurer | Bern |
9.11.17 | ETHZ | Zukunftstag, 298 children (10-13 years) D-Phys, MUST Ultrafast event - 20 children, with Prof. Ursula Keller | Zürich |
Sept. - Dec. 2017 | Uni Geneva | Program Athena - high school student project for girls and boys, university semester course in physics | Geneva |
2016 | ETH Zurich | A Journey Through Time in Powers of Ten, MUST Book, for sale ETH Zürich, Swiss bookstore | Zürich Switzerland |
1-3.4.2016 | ETH Zurich | Swiss Young Physicists Competition | Zürich |
11-17.7.2016 | UniZH | International Physics Olympiad, 398 participants from 84 countries | Zürich |
18.9 - 18.12.2016 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg EPFL Open Day | MUST Exhibition of Powers of Ten Posters on Ultrafast Science - high school visits Chergui Labs, use POT posters Moser, Journée des Classes, Scientastic | Zürich Lausanne |
4.11.2016 | |||
18.11.2016 | ETHZ | Swiss Physics Teachers Day | Zürich |
Sept. - Dec. 2016 | UniGeneva | Program Athena - high school student project for girls and boys, university semester course in physics | Geneva |
2015 | all Partners | International Year of Light 2015 | - |
29.1.15 | ETHZ - UniZH | Hochschultag der Zürcher Mittelschulen Lecture on attoclock science by Prof. Ursula Keller | Zürich |
4-6.9.15 | ETHZ - UniZH | Scientifica - Theme: "Let there be light" | Zürich |
15.10.15 | PSI | ![]() | Villigen |
6.11.15 | EPFL | EPFL Photonics Day | Lausanne |
13.11.15 | ETHZ | Physics Teachers Education Day Prof. Keller, and Feurer gave presentations, MUST Education Tools were demonstrated The presentations are available for download | Zürich |
Dec. 1-2 | UniBE | Bachelor's open days: helping to choose a course of study and of course the perfect university | Bern |
5.3.14 | UniGE | UV-Supercontinuum and Compression - MUST Workshop organised by Prof. Wolf | Geneva |
9-15.8.14 | PSI | 2014 PSI Summerschool on Condensed Matter Research | Zug |
31.8 to 1.9.2013 | ETHZ - UniZH | Scientifica 2013: theme Risk, with a contribution about the risks associated with lasers more | Zürich |
June - Sept | Jean-Pierre Wolf, Uni Geneva | Takes part in Exhibition related to the Planet Solar Deep Water Project 2013 more | Geneva |
Feb-June | Ursula Keller's Group, ETH Zurich | Dr Alexandra Landsman gave a new lecture series in Spring 2013 entitled "Strong Field Laser Interaction" more | ETH Zurich Hönggerberg |
24.3.2013 | Eric Vauthey, Uni Geneva | "La photochimie ultrarapide" lecture at assembly of the professors of the Faculty of Sciences, University of Geneva" | University of Geneva |
Feb 2013 | Eric Vauthey, Uni Geneva | A female high school student from Ticino spent a week in his lab performing ultrafast experiments "La science appelle les jeunes" framework | University of Geneva |
Sept 10-11 | Davide Bleiner, Uni Bern | Summer School on Short-Wavelength Imaging & Spectroscopy Sources more Proceedings more | University of Bern |
July 7-8 | Jean-Pierre Wolf, Uni Geneva | participate in La Nuit de la Science more | Geneva |
Feb-June | Ursula Keller's Group, ETH Zurich | Dr Alexandra Landsman gave a new lecture series in Spring 2012 entitled "Laser Atom Interactions" more | ETHZ Hönggerberg |
Jan 3-17 | Ursula Röthlisberger’s group, EPFL | I. Tavernelli lectured at the following training event: 5th International Workshop and School on Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory: Prospects and Applications | Benasque, Spain |
Start Jan 1 | Matthias Hengsberger, Uni Zurich | exchange fellowship Egide-Germain de Staël (SATW) for graduate students and researchers between the Université de Bourgogne, Dijon. It started on January 1 more | Université de Bourgogne, Dijon |
Dec 8 | Anna Garry, ETH Zurich and Jean-Pierre Wolf, Uni Geneva | MUST Education Day 2011 more | Uni Geneva |
Dec 4 | Ursula Keller, ETH Zurich | ETH Science City: Laser-Mächtiges Licht | ETH Science City, Zurich |
Nov 23 | Markus Meuwly, Uni Basel | Invited by the “Naturforschende Gesellschaft” Moleküle auf dem Bildschirm: Computer gestützte Chemie | ETHZ Hönggerberg |
Oct 20 | Thomas Feurer, Uni Bern | (exhibitor) Nacht der Forschung - more Researchers’ Night 2011 – the festival of knowledge | Uni Bern |
Sept 1-2 | Thomas Feurer, Uni Bern | (organizer + exhibitor) Photonics Days for gymnasium pupils: 180 boys and girls attended over the two days | Uni Bern |
Aug 13-19 | Steve L. Johnson, PSI | (co-organizer) PSI Summer School 2011: Probing Phase Transitions using Photons, Myuons and Neutrons | Institut Montana, Zugerberg |
June 19-24 | Peter Hamm, Uni Zurich | (organizer) Timeresolved Vibrational Spectroscopy XV | Ascona |
May 30-June 3 | Ursula Röthlisberger’s group, EPFL | Iwan Tavernelli lectured at the following training event: B. F. E. Curchod, European School on the dynamics of molecular excited states | Zargoza, Spain |
April 4-7 | Steve L. Johnson, (Chair), ETH Zurich, Paul Beaud, PSI, G. Ingold, PSI, Urs Staub, (Co-organizers), PSI | International Workshop on Ultrafast Dynamics in Strongly Correlated Systems | ETH Zurich, Campus Science City, Zurich |