Student exchange award
Submission guidelines
MUST supports the exchange of students between different MUST groups by covering travel and accommodation up to a maximum of up to CHF 1000. The DC can decide to increase the funding to a specified amount, depending on the available budget.
Submission prerequisites
- The student exchange is between different MUST groups (full and junior PIs)
- The support is used for travel and accommodation
- The exchange benefits MUST projects
- Funding can be applied for throughout the year. The funding will be granted on a first come – first serve basis
- If the requests exceed the budget, the scientific quality of the proposal and the ranking compared to other proposals may be considered as well
- up to CHF 1’000 per exchange
- Fill in the Application Form below
- Evaluation/Decision
- The proposal will be evaluated by the NCCR MUST Management
- If more than CHF 1’000 is required, the final decision is made by the DC
- Reporting
- Brief final report with outcome to be used for the annual progress report and the MUST website
Student Exchange Application Form
Student Exchange Submission Guidelines2014