Uwe Thumm
ETH-FAST Fellow from September 29 - October 3, 2014
Uwe ThummTutorial topics:
- Femtosecond physics: Imaging intramolecular forces and nuclear wave functions in small molecules with ultrashort laser and XUV pulses - Tu. Sept. 30, 9.00 - 12.00, HPF G6, Abstract1 , 2014 Dimer Dissociation Dynamics.
- Attosecond physics: Time-resolved coherent excitation and photoelectron emission from atoms, nanoparticles, and solid surfaces - We. Oct. 1, 9.00 - 12.00, HPF G6, Abstract2, 2014 Attosecond Physics Handbook of Photonics.
Professor of Physics: Atomic, Molecular, Optical, and Surface Physics
James R. Macdonald Laboratory and Department of Physics,
Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506-2604, USA
Dr. rer. nat. (University of Freiburg, 1989)
Dipl. Phys. (University of Freiburg, 1985).
Uwe Thumm was raised in Freiburg, Germany and studied physics and mathematics in Freiburg, Heidelberg, and Paris, France. For the past two decades, he has been teaching physics at all university levels at Kansas State University and led successful research programs in several areas of theoretical Atomic, Molecular, Optical (AMO), and Surface Physics, including
- light-matter interactions,
- atomic structure calculations,
- electron-atom scattering,
- ion-atom collisions, and
- particle interactions with clusters, nanoparticles, thin films, and solid surfaces.
- solar energy conversion, novel light sources, and quantum computing,
- thermionic energy conversion, improved light sources,
- ion-lithography and controlled thermonuclear fusion, and
- surface chemistry, catalysis, functional nanostructures.
- coherent electronic dynamics in atoms,
- light-induced and -probed electronic and nuclear dynamics in molecules, and
- particle and light interactions with plasmonic nanostructures.
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