Research publications 2012 A - K
Abrardi, L., and Feurer, T. (2012). Electronic synchronization of gain-switched laser diode seeded fiber amplifiers. In: Fiber Lasers Ix: Technology, Systems, and Applications, 82373W, E.C. Honea, and S.T. Hendow, eds. (10.1117/12.908215).
Auböck, G., Consani, C., Monni, R., Cannizzo, A., van Mourik, F., and Chergui, M. (2012a). Femtosecond pump/supercontinuum-probe setup with 20 kHz repetition rate. Rev Sci Instrum 83, 093105 (10.1063/1.4750978).
Auböck, G., Consani, C., van Mourik, F., and Chergui, M. (2012b). Ultrabroadband femtosecond two-dimensional ultraviolet transient absorption. Opt Lett 37, 2337-2339 (10.1364/OL.37.002337).
Baer, C.R.E., Heckl, O.H., Saraceno, C.J., Schriber, C., Krankel, C., Südmeyer, T., and Keller, U. (2012) Frontiers in passively mode-locked high-power thin disk laser oscillators. Opt Express 20, 7054-7065 (10.1364/OE.20.007054).
Banerji, N., Wang, M.F., Fan, J., Chesnut, E.S., Wudl, F., and Moser, J-.E. (2012). Sensitization of fullerenes by covalent attachment of a diketopyrrolopyrrole chromophore. J Mat Chem 22, 13286-13294 (10.1039/c2jm31508d).
Baranoff, E., Curchod, B.F.E., Frey, J., Scopelliti, R., Kessler, F., Tavernelli, I., Röthlisberger, U., Grätzel, M., and Nazeeruddin, M.K. (2012a). Acid-Induced Degradation of Phosphorescent Dopants for OLEDs and Its Application to the Synthesis of Tris-heteroleptic Iridium(III) Bis-cyclometalated Complexes. Inorg Chem 51, 215-224 (10.1021/ic202162q).
Baranoff, E., Curchod, B.F.E., Monti, F., Steimer, F., Accorsi, G., Tavernelli, I., Röthlisberger, U., Scopelliti, R., Grätzel, M., and Nazeeruddin, M.K. (2012b). Influence of Halogen Atoms on a Homologous Series of Bis-Cyclometalated Iridium(III) Complexes. Inorg Chem 51, 799-811 (10.1021/ic2011474).
Bleiner, D., and Feurer, T. (2012) Pulse-front tilt for short-wavelength lasing by means of traveling-wave plasma-excitation. Appl Opt 51, 8848-8853 (10.1364/AO.51.008848).
Bleiner, D., ed. (2012). Conference Proceedings: Short-Wavelength Imaging and Spectroscopy Sources (online: SPIE Digital Library). Meeting organised with financial support by the NCCR MUST.
Bloem, R., Koziol, K., Waldauer, S.A., Buchli, B., Walser, R., Samatanga, B., Jelesarov, I., and Hamm, P. (2012). Ligand Binding Studied by 2D IR Spectroscopy Using the Azidohomoalanine Label. J Phys Chem B 116, 13705-13712 (10.1021/jp3095209).
Bodi, A., Hemberger, P., Gerber, T., and Sztaray, B. (2012). A new double imaging velocity focusing coincidence experiment: i(2)PEPICO. Rev Sci Instrum 83, 083105 (10.1063/1.4742769).
Borek, J., Perakis, F., Klasi, F., Garrett-Roe, S., and Hamm, P. (2012a). Azide-water intermolecular coupling measured by two-color two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy. J Chem Phys 136, 224503 (10.1063/1.4726407).
Borek, J., Perakis, F., Klasi, F., Garrett-Roe, S., and Hamm, P. (2012b). Erratum: "Azide-water intermolecular coupling measured by two-color two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy" (vol 136, 224503, 2012). J Chem Phys 137, 069902 (10.1063/1.4739535).
Bozic-Weber, B., Chaurin, V., Constable, E.C., Housecroft, C.E., Meuwly, M., Neuburger, M., Rudd, J.A., Schonhofer, E., and Siegfried, L. (2012). Exploring copper(I)-based dye-sensitized solar cells: a complementary experimental and TD-DFT investigation. Dalton T 41, 14157-14169 (10.1039/C2DT31159C).
Bräm, O., Messina, F., El-Zohry, A.M., Cannizzo, A., and Chergui, M. (2012). Polychromatic femtosecond fluorescence studies of metal-polypyridine complexes in solution. Chem Phys 393, 51-57 (10.1016/j.chemphys.2011.11.022).
Brown, M.A., Huthwelker, T., Redondo, A.B., Janousch, M., Faubel, M., Arrell, C.A., Scarongella, M., Chergui, M., and van Bokhoven, J.A. (2012). Changes in the Silanol Protonation State Measured In Situ at the Silica-Aqueous Interface. J Phys Chem Lett 3, 231-235 (10.1021/jz201533w).
Bucalovic, N., Dolgovskiy, V., Stumpf, M.C., Schori, C., Di Domenico, G., Keller, U., Schilt, S., and Südmeyer, T. (2012). Effect of the carrier-envelope-offset dynamics on the stabilization of a diode-pumped solid-state frequency comb. Opt Lett 37, 4428-4430 (10.1364/OL.37.004428).
Cannizzo, A. (2012) Ultrafast UV spectroscopy: from a local to a global view of dynamical processes in macromolecules. Phys Chem Chem Phys 14, 11205-11223 (10.1039/c2cp40567a).
Carbone, F., Musumeci, P., Luiten, O.J., and Hebert, C. (2012) A perspective on novel sources of ultrashort electron and X-ray pulses. Chem Phys 392, 1-9 (10.1016/j.chemphys.2011.10.010).
Castiglioni, L., Leuenberger, D., Greif, M., and Hengsberger, M. (2012). Attosecond Transversal Streaking to Probe Electron Dynamics at Surfaces. In Multiphoton Processes and Attosecond Physics, K. Yamanouchi, and M. Katsumi, eds. (Springer Berlin Heidelberg), 365-368 (10.1007/978-3-642-28948-4_60).
Caviezel, A., Staub, U., Johnson, S.L., Mariager, S.O., Mohr-Vorobeva, E., Ingold, G., Milne, C.J., Garganourakis, M., Scagnoli, V., Huang, S.W., Jia, Q.X., Cheong, S.W., and Beaud, P. (2012). Femtosecond dynamics of the structural transition in mixed valence manganites. Phys Rev B 86, 174105 (10.1103/PhysRevB.86.174105).
Cazade, P.A., Huang, J., Yosa, J., Szymczak, J.J., and Meuwly, M. (2012). Atomistic simulations of reactive processes in the gas- and condensed-phase. Int Rev Phys Chem 31, 235-264 (10.1080/0144235X.2012.694694).
Cazade, P.A., and Meuwly, M. (2012). Oxygen Migration Pathways in NO-bound Truncated Hemoglobin. Chemphyschem 13, 4276-4286 (10.1002/cphc.201200608).
Chergui, M. (2012) On the interplay between charge, spin and structural dynamics in transition metal complexes. Dalton Trans 41, 13022-13029 (10.1039/C2DT30764B) Invited perspective article.
Consani, C., Braem, O., van Mourik, F., Cannizzo, A., and Chergui, M. (2012) Energy transfer and relaxation mechanisms in Cytochrome c. Chem Phys 396, 108-115 (10.1016/j.chemphys.2011.09.002).
Curchod, B.F.E., Röthlisberger, U., and Tavernelli, I. (2012). Excited State Dynamics with Quantum Trajectories. Chimia 66, 174-177 (10.2533/chimia.2012.174).
Donaldson, P.M., Strzalka, H., and Hamm, P. (2012). High sensitivity transient infrared spectroscopy: a UV/Visible transient grating spectrometer with a heterodyne detected infrared probe. Opt Express 20, 12761-12770 (10.1364/OE.20.012761).
Gallmann, L., Cirelli, C., and Keller, U. (2012). Attosecond Science: Recent Highlights and Future Trends. In: Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, M.A. Johnson, and T.J. Martinez, eds., pp. 447-469 (10.1146/annurev-physchem-032511-143702).
Ge, P.Y., Todorova, T.K., Patir, I.H., Olaya, A.J., Vrubel, H., Mendez, M., Hu, X.L., Corminboeuf, C., and Girault, H.H. (2012). Biphasic water splitting by osmocene. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 109, 11558-11563 (10.1073/pnas.1203743109).
Geissbuehler, M., Bonacina, L., Shcheslavskiy, V., Bocchio, N.L., Geissbuehler, S., Leutenegger, M., Marki, I., Wolf, J.P., and Lasser, T. (2012). Nonlinear Correlation Spectroscopy (NLCS). Nano Lett 12, 1668-1672 (10.1021/nl300070n).
Gupta, P.K., and Meuwly, M. (2012). Dynamics of Water/Methanol Mixtures at Functionalized Chromatographic Interfaces. J Phys Chem B 116, 10951-10959 (10.1021/jp305351f).
Haid, S., Marszalek, M., Mishra, A., Wielopolski, M., Teuscher, J., Moser, J.E., Humphry-Baker, R., Zakeeruddin, S.M., Grätzel, M., and Bauerle, P. (2012). Significant Improvement of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Performance by Small Structural Modification in pi-Conjugated Donor-Acceptor Dyes. Adv Funct Mat 22, 1291-1302 (10.1002/adfm.201102519).
Hamm, P., and Savolainen, J. (2012). Two-dimensional-Raman-terahertz spectroscopy of water: Theory. J Chem Phys 136, 094516 (10.1063/1.3691601) (Selected as research highlight by the Journal)
Hamm, P., Savolainen, J., Ono, J., and Tanimura, Y. (2012). Note: Inverted time-ordering in two-dimensional-Raman-terahertz spectroscopy of water. J Chem Phys 136, 236101 (10.1063/1.4729945).
Hamm, P., and Stock, G. (2012). Vibrational Conical Intersections as a Mechanism of Ultrafast Vibrational Relaxation. Phys Rev Lett 109, 173201 (10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.173201).
Heese, C., Phillips, C.R., Mayer, B.W., Gallmann, L., Fejer, M.M., and Keller, U. (2012). 75 MW few-cycle mid-infrared pulses from a collinear apodized APPLN-based OPCPA. Opt Express 20, 26888-26894 (10.1364/OE.20.026888).
Helbing, J., Devereux, M., Nienhaus, K., Nienhaus, G.U., Hamm, P., and Meuwly, M. (2012). Temperature Dependence of the Heat Diffusivity of Proteins. J Phys Chem A 116, 2620-2628 (10.1021/jp2061877).
Herzog, M., Schick, D., Leitenberger, W., Shayduk, R., van der Veen, R.M., Milne, C.J., Johnson, S.L., Vrejoiu, I., and Bargheer, M. (2012) Tailoring interference and nonlinear manipulation of femtosecond x-rays. New J Phys 14, 013004 (10.1088/1367-2630/14/1/013004).
Huang, J., Haussinger, D., Gellrich, U., Seiche, W., Breit, B., and Meuwly, M. (2012). Hydrogen-Bond and Solvent Dynamics in Transition Metal Complexes: A Combined Simulation and NMR-Investigation. J Phys Chem B 116, 14406-14415 (10.1021/jp309412r).
Huang, J., and Meuwly, M. (2012). Force field refinement from NMR scalar couplings. Chem Phys 396, 116-123 (10.1016/j.chemphys.2011.09.016).
Johnson, S.L., de Souza, R.A., Staub, U., Beaud, P., Möhr-Vorobeva, E., Ingold, G., Caviezel, A., Scagnoli, V., Schlotter, W.F., Turner, J.J., Krupin, O., Lee, W.S., Chuang, Y.D., Patthey, L., Moore, R.G., Lu, D., Yi, M., Kirchmann, P.S., Trigo, M., Denes, P., Doering, D., Hussain, Z., Shen, Z.X., Prabhakaran, D., and Boothroyd, A.T. (2012) Femtosecond Dynamics of the Collinear-to-Spiral Antiferromagnetic Phase Transition in CuO. Phys Rev Lett 108, 037203 (10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.037203).
Kasparian, J., Rohwetter, P., Woste, L., and Wolf, J.P. (2012). Laser-assisted water condensation in the atmosphere: a step towards modulating precipitation? J Phys D Appl Phys 45, 293001 (10.1088/0022-3727/45/29/293001).
Katono, M., Bessho, T., Wielopolski, M., Marszalek, M., Moser, J.E., Humphry-Baker, R., Zakeeruddin, S.M., and Grätzel, M. (2012). Influence of the Anchoring Modes on the Electronic and Photovoltaic Properties of D-pi-A Dyes. J Phys Chem C 116, 16876-16884 (10.1021/jp304490a).
Kel, O., Sherin, P., Mehanna, N., Laleu, B., Lacour, J., and Vauthey, E. (2012). Excited- state properties of chiral 4 helicene cations. Photochem Photobiol Sci 11, 623-631 (10.1039/C2PP05361F).
Kessler, F., Curchod, B.F.E., Tavernelli, I., Röthlisberger, U., Scopelliti, R., Di Censo, D., Grätzel, M., Nazeeruddin, M.K., and Baranoff, E. (2012). A Simple Approach to Room Temperature Phosphorescent Allenylidene Complexes. Angew Chem Int ed 51, 8030-8033 (10.1002/anie.201203329).
Kiselev, D., Kraus, P.M., Bonacina, L., Wörner, H.J., and Wolf, J.P. (2012). Direct amplitude shaping of high harmonics in the extreme ultraviolet. Opt Express 20, 25843-25849 (10.1364/OE.20.025843).
Koch, M., Rosspeintner, A., Angulo, G., and Vauthey, E. (2012). Bimolecular Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Imidazolium-Based Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids Is Not Faster than in Conventional Solvents. J Am Chem Soc 134, 3729-3736 (10.1021/ja208265x).
Kramer, C., Gedeck, P., and Meuwly, M. (2012). Atomic multipoles: Electrostatic potential fit, local reference axis systems, and conformational dependence. J Comput Chem 33, 1673-1688 (10.1002/jcc.22996).
Auböck, G., Consani, C., Monni, R., Cannizzo, A., van Mourik, F., and Chergui, M. (2012a). Femtosecond pump/supercontinuum-probe setup with 20 kHz repetition rate. Rev Sci Instrum 83, 093105 (10.1063/1.4750978).
Auböck, G., Consani, C., van Mourik, F., and Chergui, M. (2012b). Ultrabroadband femtosecond two-dimensional ultraviolet transient absorption. Opt Lett 37, 2337-2339 (10.1364/OL.37.002337).
Baer, C.R.E., Heckl, O.H., Saraceno, C.J., Schriber, C., Krankel, C., Südmeyer, T., and Keller, U. (2012) Frontiers in passively mode-locked high-power thin disk laser oscillators. Opt Express 20, 7054-7065 (10.1364/OE.20.007054).
Banerji, N., Wang, M.F., Fan, J., Chesnut, E.S., Wudl, F., and Moser, J-.E. (2012). Sensitization of fullerenes by covalent attachment of a diketopyrrolopyrrole chromophore. J Mat Chem 22, 13286-13294 (10.1039/c2jm31508d).
Baranoff, E., Curchod, B.F.E., Frey, J., Scopelliti, R., Kessler, F., Tavernelli, I., Röthlisberger, U., Grätzel, M., and Nazeeruddin, M.K. (2012a). Acid-Induced Degradation of Phosphorescent Dopants for OLEDs and Its Application to the Synthesis of Tris-heteroleptic Iridium(III) Bis-cyclometalated Complexes. Inorg Chem 51, 215-224 (10.1021/ic202162q).
Baranoff, E., Curchod, B.F.E., Monti, F., Steimer, F., Accorsi, G., Tavernelli, I., Röthlisberger, U., Scopelliti, R., Grätzel, M., and Nazeeruddin, M.K. (2012b). Influence of Halogen Atoms on a Homologous Series of Bis-Cyclometalated Iridium(III) Complexes. Inorg Chem 51, 799-811 (10.1021/ic2011474).
Bleiner, D., and Feurer, T. (2012) Pulse-front tilt for short-wavelength lasing by means of traveling-wave plasma-excitation. Appl Opt 51, 8848-8853 (10.1364/AO.51.008848).
Bleiner, D., ed. (2012). Conference Proceedings: Short-Wavelength Imaging and Spectroscopy Sources (online: SPIE Digital Library). Meeting organised with financial support by the NCCR MUST.
Bloem, R., Koziol, K., Waldauer, S.A., Buchli, B., Walser, R., Samatanga, B., Jelesarov, I., and Hamm, P. (2012). Ligand Binding Studied by 2D IR Spectroscopy Using the Azidohomoalanine Label. J Phys Chem B 116, 13705-13712 (10.1021/jp3095209).
Bodi, A., Hemberger, P., Gerber, T., and Sztaray, B. (2012). A new double imaging velocity focusing coincidence experiment: i(2)PEPICO. Rev Sci Instrum 83, 083105 (10.1063/1.4742769).
Borek, J., Perakis, F., Klasi, F., Garrett-Roe, S., and Hamm, P. (2012a). Azide-water intermolecular coupling measured by two-color two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy. J Chem Phys 136, 224503 (10.1063/1.4726407).
Borek, J., Perakis, F., Klasi, F., Garrett-Roe, S., and Hamm, P. (2012b). Erratum: "Azide-water intermolecular coupling measured by two-color two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy" (vol 136, 224503, 2012). J Chem Phys 137, 069902 (10.1063/1.4739535).
Bozic-Weber, B., Chaurin, V., Constable, E.C., Housecroft, C.E., Meuwly, M., Neuburger, M., Rudd, J.A., Schonhofer, E., and Siegfried, L. (2012). Exploring copper(I)-based dye-sensitized solar cells: a complementary experimental and TD-DFT investigation. Dalton T 41, 14157-14169 (10.1039/C2DT31159C).
Bräm, O., Messina, F., El-Zohry, A.M., Cannizzo, A., and Chergui, M. (2012). Polychromatic femtosecond fluorescence studies of metal-polypyridine complexes in solution. Chem Phys 393, 51-57 (10.1016/j.chemphys.2011.11.022).
Brown, M.A., Huthwelker, T., Redondo, A.B., Janousch, M., Faubel, M., Arrell, C.A., Scarongella, M., Chergui, M., and van Bokhoven, J.A. (2012). Changes in the Silanol Protonation State Measured In Situ at the Silica-Aqueous Interface. J Phys Chem Lett 3, 231-235 (10.1021/jz201533w).
Bucalovic, N., Dolgovskiy, V., Stumpf, M.C., Schori, C., Di Domenico, G., Keller, U., Schilt, S., and Südmeyer, T. (2012). Effect of the carrier-envelope-offset dynamics on the stabilization of a diode-pumped solid-state frequency comb. Opt Lett 37, 4428-4430 (10.1364/OL.37.004428).
Cannizzo, A. (2012) Ultrafast UV spectroscopy: from a local to a global view of dynamical processes in macromolecules. Phys Chem Chem Phys 14, 11205-11223 (10.1039/c2cp40567a).
Carbone, F., Musumeci, P., Luiten, O.J., and Hebert, C. (2012) A perspective on novel sources of ultrashort electron and X-ray pulses. Chem Phys 392, 1-9 (10.1016/j.chemphys.2011.10.010).
Castiglioni, L., Leuenberger, D., Greif, M., and Hengsberger, M. (2012). Attosecond Transversal Streaking to Probe Electron Dynamics at Surfaces. In Multiphoton Processes and Attosecond Physics, K. Yamanouchi, and M. Katsumi, eds. (Springer Berlin Heidelberg), 365-368 (10.1007/978-3-642-28948-4_60).
Caviezel, A., Staub, U., Johnson, S.L., Mariager, S.O., Mohr-Vorobeva, E., Ingold, G., Milne, C.J., Garganourakis, M., Scagnoli, V., Huang, S.W., Jia, Q.X., Cheong, S.W., and Beaud, P. (2012). Femtosecond dynamics of the structural transition in mixed valence manganites. Phys Rev B 86, 174105 (10.1103/PhysRevB.86.174105).
Cazade, P.A., Huang, J., Yosa, J., Szymczak, J.J., and Meuwly, M. (2012). Atomistic simulations of reactive processes in the gas- and condensed-phase. Int Rev Phys Chem 31, 235-264 (10.1080/0144235X.2012.694694).
Cazade, P.A., and Meuwly, M. (2012). Oxygen Migration Pathways in NO-bound Truncated Hemoglobin. Chemphyschem 13, 4276-4286 (10.1002/cphc.201200608).
Chergui, M. (2012) On the interplay between charge, spin and structural dynamics in transition metal complexes. Dalton Trans 41, 13022-13029 (10.1039/C2DT30764B) Invited perspective article.
Consani, C., Braem, O., van Mourik, F., Cannizzo, A., and Chergui, M. (2012) Energy transfer and relaxation mechanisms in Cytochrome c. Chem Phys 396, 108-115 (10.1016/j.chemphys.2011.09.002).
Curchod, B.F.E., Röthlisberger, U., and Tavernelli, I. (2012). Excited State Dynamics with Quantum Trajectories. Chimia 66, 174-177 (10.2533/chimia.2012.174).
Donaldson, P.M., Strzalka, H., and Hamm, P. (2012). High sensitivity transient infrared spectroscopy: a UV/Visible transient grating spectrometer with a heterodyne detected infrared probe. Opt Express 20, 12761-12770 (10.1364/OE.20.012761).
![]() | Invited feature article June 2012 Fedoseeva, M., Richert, S., and Vauthey, E. (2012). Excited-State Dynamics of Organic Dyes at Liquid/Liquid Interfaces. Langmuir 28, 11291-11301 (10.1021/la301505e). |
Ge, P.Y., Todorova, T.K., Patir, I.H., Olaya, A.J., Vrubel, H., Mendez, M., Hu, X.L., Corminboeuf, C., and Girault, H.H. (2012). Biphasic water splitting by osmocene. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 109, 11558-11563 (10.1073/pnas.1203743109).
Geissbuehler, M., Bonacina, L., Shcheslavskiy, V., Bocchio, N.L., Geissbuehler, S., Leutenegger, M., Marki, I., Wolf, J.P., and Lasser, T. (2012). Nonlinear Correlation Spectroscopy (NLCS). Nano Lett 12, 1668-1672 (10.1021/nl300070n).
Gupta, P.K., and Meuwly, M. (2012). Dynamics of Water/Methanol Mixtures at Functionalized Chromatographic Interfaces. J Phys Chem B 116, 10951-10959 (10.1021/jp305351f).
Haid, S., Marszalek, M., Mishra, A., Wielopolski, M., Teuscher, J., Moser, J.E., Humphry-Baker, R., Zakeeruddin, S.M., Grätzel, M., and Bauerle, P. (2012). Significant Improvement of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Performance by Small Structural Modification in pi-Conjugated Donor-Acceptor Dyes. Adv Funct Mat 22, 1291-1302 (10.1002/adfm.201102519).
Hamm, P., and Savolainen, J. (2012). Two-dimensional-Raman-terahertz spectroscopy of water: Theory. J Chem Phys 136, 094516 (10.1063/1.3691601) (Selected as research highlight by the Journal)
Hamm, P., Savolainen, J., Ono, J., and Tanimura, Y. (2012). Note: Inverted time-ordering in two-dimensional-Raman-terahertz spectroscopy of water. J Chem Phys 136, 236101 (10.1063/1.4729945).
Hamm, P., and Stock, G. (2012). Vibrational Conical Intersections as a Mechanism of Ultrafast Vibrational Relaxation. Phys Rev Lett 109, 173201 (10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.173201).
Heese, C., Phillips, C.R., Mayer, B.W., Gallmann, L., Fejer, M.M., and Keller, U. (2012). 75 MW few-cycle mid-infrared pulses from a collinear apodized APPLN-based OPCPA. Opt Express 20, 26888-26894 (10.1364/OE.20.026888).
Helbing, J., Devereux, M., Nienhaus, K., Nienhaus, G.U., Hamm, P., and Meuwly, M. (2012). Temperature Dependence of the Heat Diffusivity of Proteins. J Phys Chem A 116, 2620-2628 (10.1021/jp2061877).
Herzog, M., Schick, D., Leitenberger, W., Shayduk, R., van der Veen, R.M., Milne, C.J., Johnson, S.L., Vrejoiu, I., and Bargheer, M. (2012) Tailoring interference and nonlinear manipulation of femtosecond x-rays. New J Phys 14, 013004 (10.1088/1367-2630/14/1/013004).
Huang, J., Haussinger, D., Gellrich, U., Seiche, W., Breit, B., and Meuwly, M. (2012). Hydrogen-Bond and Solvent Dynamics in Transition Metal Complexes: A Combined Simulation and NMR-Investigation. J Phys Chem B 116, 14406-14415 (10.1021/jp309412r).
Huang, J., and Meuwly, M. (2012). Force field refinement from NMR scalar couplings. Chem Phys 396, 116-123 (10.1016/j.chemphys.2011.09.016).
Johnson, S.L., de Souza, R.A., Staub, U., Beaud, P., Möhr-Vorobeva, E., Ingold, G., Caviezel, A., Scagnoli, V., Schlotter, W.F., Turner, J.J., Krupin, O., Lee, W.S., Chuang, Y.D., Patthey, L., Moore, R.G., Lu, D., Yi, M., Kirchmann, P.S., Trigo, M., Denes, P., Doering, D., Hussain, Z., Shen, Z.X., Prabhakaran, D., and Boothroyd, A.T. (2012) Femtosecond Dynamics of the Collinear-to-Spiral Antiferromagnetic Phase Transition in CuO. Phys Rev Lett 108, 037203 (10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.037203).
Kasparian, J., Rohwetter, P., Woste, L., and Wolf, J.P. (2012). Laser-assisted water condensation in the atmosphere: a step towards modulating precipitation? J Phys D Appl Phys 45, 293001 (10.1088/0022-3727/45/29/293001).
![]() | Cover article July 2012 Kasparian, J., and Wolf, J.P. (2012). Ultrafast laser spectroscopy and control of atmospheric aerosols. Phys Chem Chem Phys 14, 9291-9300 (10.1039/C2CP23576E) . |
Kel, O., Sherin, P., Mehanna, N., Laleu, B., Lacour, J., and Vauthey, E. (2012). Excited- state properties of chiral 4 helicene cations. Photochem Photobiol Sci 11, 623-631 (10.1039/C2PP05361F).
Kessler, F., Curchod, B.F.E., Tavernelli, I., Röthlisberger, U., Scopelliti, R., Di Censo, D., Grätzel, M., Nazeeruddin, M.K., and Baranoff, E. (2012). A Simple Approach to Room Temperature Phosphorescent Allenylidene Complexes. Angew Chem Int ed 51, 8030-8033 (10.1002/anie.201203329).
Kiselev, D., Kraus, P.M., Bonacina, L., Wörner, H.J., and Wolf, J.P. (2012). Direct amplitude shaping of high harmonics in the extreme ultraviolet. Opt Express 20, 25843-25849 (10.1364/OE.20.025843).
Koch, M., Rosspeintner, A., Angulo, G., and Vauthey, E. (2012). Bimolecular Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Imidazolium-Based Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids Is Not Faster than in Conventional Solvents. J Am Chem Soc 134, 3729-3736 (10.1021/ja208265x).
Kramer, C., Gedeck, P., and Meuwly, M. (2012). Atomic multipoles: Electrostatic potential fit, local reference axis systems, and conformational dependence. J Comput Chem 33, 1673-1688 (10.1002/jcc.22996).