
Ursula Keller wins “Swiss Nobel” Marcel Benoist Prize- for pioneering work in ultrafast lasers
MUST2022 Conference- a great success!
New scientific highlights- by MUST PIs Wörner, Chergui, and Richardson
FELs of Europe prize for Jeremy Rouxel- “Development or innovative use of advanced instrumentation in the field of FELs”
Ruth Signorell wins Doron prizefor pioneering contributions to the field of fundamental aerosol science
New FAST-Fellow Uwe Thumm at ETH- lectures on Topics in Femto- and Attosecond Science
International Day of Women and Girls in Science- SSPh asked female scientists about their experiences
New scientific highlight- by MUST PIs Milne, Standfuss and Schertler
EU XFEL Young Scientist Award for Camila Bacellar,beamline scientist and group leader of the Alvra endstation at SwissFEL
Prizes for Giulia Mancini and Rebeca Gomez CastilloICO/IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Optics & Ernst Haber 2021
Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded to RESOLV Member Benjamin List- for the development of asymmetric organocatalysis
NCCR MUST at Scientifica 2021- Lightning, organic solar cells, and virtual molecules

Scientific Seminars (archive)

Mo, 21.02.2022
- Mo, 02.05.2022
Uwe Thumm,
Topics in Femto- and Attosecond Science
ETH Hönggerberg HIT H42 - every Monday
Tu, 09.11.2021
- Tu, 09.11.2021
Prof. Christoph Bostedt
Ultrafast imaging of nanoscale samples with intense XFEL pulses – new opportunities at the SwissFEL Maloja Endstation
Zoom (see link below)
Tu, 19.10.2021
- Tu, 19.10.2021
Prof. Hans Jakob Wörner
Attosecond soft-X-ray and high-harmonic spectroscopies: bridging the complexity gap
Tu, 12.10.2021
- Tu, 12.10.2021
Prof. Hans Jakob Wörner
Attosecond time delays in molecules, clusters and liquids: towards electronic dynamics in solutions
Tu, 05.10.2021
- Tu, 05.10.2021
Prof. Hans Jakob Wörner
Attosecond charge migration and its interaction with nuclear motion: towards attochemistry
Tu, 20.04.2021
- Tu, 20.04.2021
Prof. Jeremy Richardson, ETH D-CHAB
Bending the rules of classical mechanics to simulate quantum dynamics
Fr, 12.06.2020
- Fr, 12.06.2020
Prof. Giulio Cerullo, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
Ultrafast carrier and spin dynamics in two-dimensional semiconductors
Tu, 10.03.2020
- Tu, 10.03.2020
Prof. Alessandra Lanzara, Physics Department, University California, Berkeley
Leveraging local symmetry breaking to engineering novel materials properties
EPFL Campus, BM5202
Mo, 24.02.2020
- Mo, 24.02.2020
Dr. Tsukasa Takanashi, Molecular spectroscopy laboratory, RIKEN, Wako, Japan
Ultrafast electron and molecular dynamics induced by short wavelength novel free-electron lasers
EPFL, CH G1 495
Mo, 17.02.2020
- Mo, 17.02.2020
Prof. Tobias Kampfrath, Freie Universität Berlin and Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society
Probing and controlling spin transport with ultrashort terahertz pulses
ETH Hönggerberg, HPF G6
Mo, 16.12.2019
- Mo, 16.12.2019
Prof. Dr. Jan Michael Rost, MPI for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany
Purifying electron spectra from noisy pulses with machine learning using synthetic Hamilton matrices
ETHZ, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
We, 11.12.2019
- We, 11.12.2019
Gerard Mourou - Nobel Prize Winner, École polytechnique, Paris, France
Passion Extreme Light
ETHZ, Hönggerberg Campus, HPV G 4
Mo, 09.12.2019
- Mo, 09.12.2019
Dr. Luca Castiglioni, Department of Physics, University of Zurich
Coherence in time-​ and angle-​resolved photoemission: orbital tomography 2.0
ETHZ, Hönggerberg Campus, HCI J243
Fr, 06.12.2019
- Fr, 06.12.2019
Dr. Linda Young, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Capturing transient species in ionized liquid water with ultrafast x-rays
EPF Lausanne Campus, CH G1 495
Fr, 29.11.2019
- Fr, 29.11.2019
Dr. Ilie Radu (Max Born Institute Berlin, Germany)
Controlling magnetism by light
ETHZ, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
We, 27.11.2019
- We, 27.11.2019
Prof. Martin Richardson, CREOL, University of Central Florida, USA
Ultrafast laser processing in glass – in three dimension
EPFL Campus, MC B1 283
Tu, 19.11.2019
- Tu, 19.11.2019
Dr. Michel Négrerie, Ecole Polytechnique, France
Structural and allosteric transitions of heme protein sensors probed from picosecond to second
EPF Lausanne Campus, CH G1 495 2201
Mo, 18.11.2019
- Mo, 18.11.2019
Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Wolf, GAP-Biophotonics, Uni Geneva
Quantum Sensing and Control
ETHZ, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Th, 07.11.2019
- Th, 07.11.2019
Prof. Matthew J. Rosseinsky, University of Liverpool, UK
Design of Advanced Materials?
EPFL Campus, room BCH 2201
We, 16.10.2019
- We, 16.10.2019
Dr. Giulia Mancini, PSI, OVGA/319, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Ultrafast spectro-microscopy and coherent scattering of functional nanomaterials: harnessing the power of soft X-ray light
UZH Irchel Campus, Y36 K08
Mo, 14.10.2019
- Mo, 14.10.2019
Prof. Dr. Jens Biegert ICFO, Institute of Photonic Sciences, Barcelona, Spain
Lightwave-driven Quantum Dynamics: Molecular “Selfie” to Floquet Oscillation
ETH Hönggerberg, HPF G6
Th, 10.10.2019
- Th, 10.10.2019
Prof. Majed Chergui, LSU, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Ultrafast optical and X-ray studies of the dynamics of chemical systems
EPFL Campus, BCH 2201
Th, 03.10.2019
- Th, 03.10.2019
Dr. Dimitra Markovitsi, LIDYL, CEA, CNRS, Université Paris Saclay
Absorption of low energy UV radiation by DNA: excited states and reactivity
EPFL Campus, BCH 2201
Tu, 01.10.2019
- Tu, 01.10.2019
Dr. Samuel Teitelbaum, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, US
Structural Motion far from Equilibrium: Reconstructing Interatomic Forces, Irreversible Phase Transitions, and Anharmonicity
ETHZ, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Th, 26.09.2019
- Th, 26.09.2019
Prof. Yoshitaka Tanimura, Kyoto University, Japan
Modeling, Simulating, and Analyzing 2D IR-Raman and 2D electronic-vibrational Spectroscopies
EPF Lausanne, BCH 2201
Tu, 10.09.2019
- Tu, 10.09.2019
Dr. Jake Koralek, SLAC, National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford
Generation of ultrathin free-flowing liquid sheets
EPF Lausanne, CH G1 495
Mo, 02.09.2019
- Mo, 02.09.2019
Prof. Toshinori Suzuki, Kyoto University, Japan
Ultrafast Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Excess Electrons in Water and Alcohols
EPFL campus, BCH 2201
Fr, 30.08.2019
- Fr, 30.08.2019
Prof. Jeremy Johnson, Brigham Young University, Salt Lake City, US
Examining Nonlinear Terahertz Photonic and Phononic Excitation with Two-Dimensional Spectroscopy
ETHZ, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Mo, 26.08.2019
- Mo, 26.08.2019
Prof. Henrik Stapelfeldt, Department of Chemistry, Aarhus University, Denmark
Laser-induced alignment and imaging of molecules embedded in helium nanodroplets
ETHZ, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Fr, 12.07.2019
- Fr, 12.07.2019
Prof. Elena Mishina, MIREA – Russian Technological University - Moscow, Russia
Impact of strong picosecond THz pulses on dielectrics and semiconductors
ETH Hönggerberg, HPF G-6
Th, 11.07.2019
- Th, 11.07.2019
Dr. Ivano Tavernelli, IBM, Zürich
New strategies for non-adiabatic dynamics with trajectories
ETHZ Hönggerberg, HCI D 2
We, 10.07.2019
- We, 10.07.2019
Prof. Chii-Dong Lin, Kansas State University, USA
Characterization, Control and Application of Isolated Attosecond Pulses
ETHZ, Hönggerberg Campus, tbd
Mo, 01.07.2019
- Mo, 01.07.2019
Dr. Michael Woerner (Max-Born-Institut, Berlin, Germany)
2D THz spectroscopy on phonons in molecular crystals and semiconductor nanostructures
ETHZ, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Mo, 24.06.2019
- Mo, 24.06.2019
Dr. Michael Wörner, Max-Born-Institute, Berlin, Germany
2D THz spectroscopy on phonons in molecular crystals and semiconductor nanostructures
ETHZ, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Tu, 21.05.2019
- Tu, 21.05.2019
Dr. Cornelia Hofmann, MPI Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany
Disentangling Long Trajectory Contributions in Two-Colour High Harmonic Generation
ETHZ Hönggerberg, HIT F 42
Mo, 20.05.2019
- Mo, 20.05.2019
Dr. Alexandra Landsman
Recent Developments in Rydberg State Formation via Frustrated Tunnel Ionization
ETHZ, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Th, 16.05.2019
- Th, 16.05.2019
Prof. Christos Flytzanis Laboratoire de Physique, ENS Université PSL, France
Amplification of coherent sub-THz acoustic phonons in superlattices. Fashioning and Pumping up the sound and the SASER issue
EPFL Campus, CH G1 495
Tu, 14.05.2019
- We, 15.05.2019
Prof. Angel Rubio
Time-dependent density-functional theory (TDDFT) and Many-Body Techniques (MBT)
ETHZ, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6 / ETH Zentrum IFW A 32.1
Mo, 15.04.2019
- Mo, 15.04.2019
Prof. Dr. Peter Banzer
Nano-Optics with Structured Light – A Tale of Photonic Wheels, Nanoscopic Lighthouses and Polarization Möbius Strips
ETHZ, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Tu, 29.01.2019
- Tu, 29.01.2019
Dr. Denis Jelovina (Lund University)
Near-exact calculations of photo-breakup by intense laser fields of H2 and H2+ systems
ETH Hönggerberg, HCI J243
Mo, 17.12.2018
- Mo, 17.12.2018
Prof. Alberto Morpurgo, Quantum Electronics Group, University of Geneva, Switzerland
ETH Hönggerberg, HPF G6
Mo, 22.10.2018
- Mo, 22.10.2018
Prof. Renske van der Veen, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign
Ultrafast Electron Microscopy: a New Tool to Study Chemical Dynamics at the Nanoscale
ETH Hönggerberg, HCI J243
Mo, 08.10.2018
- Mo, 08.10.2018
Prof. Dr. Günter Steinmeyer, Institute of Physics of the Humboldt-University Berlin and Max-Born-Institute, Max-Born-Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy, Berlin, Germany
Carrier-envelope phase stabilization of mode-locked lasers: towards zeptosecond timing control
ETH Hönggerberg, HPF G6
Th, 13.09.2018
- Th, 13.09.2018
Prof. Dr. Francesca Calegari Attosecond Science Group, Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL), DESY, Hamburg
Probing electronic processes in large molecules with attosecond time resolution
ETH Hönggerberg, HCI H 2.1
Fr, 31.08.2018
- Fr, 31.08.2018
Prof. Yasushi Shinohara, School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo, Japan
Theoretical study on solid-state high harmonic generation: from a one-dimensional model to an ab-initio three-dimensional approach
ETH Hönggerberg, HPF G6
We, 29.08.2018
- We, 29.08.2018
Dr. Oleg I. Tolstikhin, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Adiabatic theory of strong-field ionization
ETH Hönggerberg, HCI J243
Mo, 23.07.2018
- Mo, 23.07.2018
Prof. Tom Allison, Department of Chemistry, Stony Brook University, New York, USA
Laser Seminar / NCCR MUST Seminar: Ultrafast extreme ultraviolet photoemission without space charge
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Mo, 16.07.2018
- Mo, 16.07.2018
Dr. Riccardo Bolis, CNRS, PIMM Laboratory, ENSAM Paris
X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy study of MgO in the Warm Dense Matter regime
ETH Hönggerberg, HPF G6
Fr, 13.07.2018
- Fr, 13.07.2018
Joint Madison-Lausanne LACUS Workshop
EPFL, room CH G1 495
Mo, 09.07.2018
- Mo, 09.07.2018
Prof. Adam Kirrander, School of Chemistry, University of Edinburg, UK
Ultrafast x-ray scattering: chemical dynamics and beyond
ETH Hönggerberg, HPF G6
Fr, 06.07.2018
- Fr, 06.07.2018
Prof. Jie Qiao, Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science, Rochester Institute of Technology
Laser Seminar / NCCR MUST Seminar: Ultrafast Lasers for Photonics Fabrication and Integration , Optical Differentiation Wavefront Sens ing , and Adaptive Optics
ETH Hönggerberg, HIT F32
Fr, 06.07.2018
- Fr, 06.07.2018
Jon Marangos, Imperial College, South Kensington, London
PSI Photon Science Seminar: Time-resolved X-ray spectroscopy towards sub-femtosecond resolution
Th, 05.07.2018
- Th, 05.07.2018
Dr. Philip Kurian, Howard University, Washington DC, USA
Ultrafast tryptophan-to-tryptophan energy transfer and superradiance in tubulin polymers
EPFL CH G1 495
We, 04.07.2018
- We, 04.07.2018
Prof. George Keiser, Department of Physics, Washington College, Maryland, USA
Laser Seminar / NCCR MUST Seminar: Ultrafast electronic band gap control and inhibition of the photoinduced structural phase transition in an excitonic insulator
ETH Hönggerberg, HPF G6
Mo, 25.06.2018
- Mo, 25.06.2018
Dr. J. Hu, California Institute of Technology and China Academy of Engineering Physics
4D visualization of ultrafast lattice deformation in solids under laser excitation
EPF Lausanne, CH G1495
Mo, 18.06.2018
- Mo, 18.06.2018
Dr. Roxana Tarkeshian (Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern)
Laser Seminar: Strong field induced ionization-based techniques for micron cubed particle beam characterization
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HPF G 6
Fr, 15.06.2018
- Fr, 15.06.2018
Selen Mor, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Germany
LACUS Event: Ultrafast electronic band gap control and inhibition of the photoinduced structural phase transition in an excitonic insulator
EPFL, Building CH G1495
Mo, 11.06.2018
- Mo, 11.06.2018
Sergej Neb, Molekül- und Oberflächenphysik, Universität Bielefeld, Germany
Laser Seminar / NCCR MUST Seminar: Attosecond delays in the photoemission from the layered, centrosymmetric Bi2Te3 and non-centrosymmetric BiTeCl crystals
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Th, 24.05.2018
- Th, 24.05.2018
Dr. Bernhard Lang, Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Geneva
Model-free decomposition of complex transient spectra: photometrics of ultrafast broadband transient absorption
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Tu, 15.05.2018
- Tu, 15.05.2018
Prof. Frank Neese, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany
LACUS Event: Insight into the water oxidizing cluster in Photosystem II (SCS )
EPFL, Building BCH 2201
Fr, 04.05.2018
- Fr, 04.05.2018
Dr. Wojciech Gawelda, European XFEL GmbH, Germany
LACUS Event: Scientific opportunities and challenges for femtochemistry using X-ray Free Electron Lasers
EPFL, Building CHG 1495
Th, 03.05.2018
- Th, 03.05.2018
Dr. Wojciech Gawelda, European XFEL GmbH, Schenefeld, Germany
Scientific opportunities and challenges for chemistry using X-ray Free Electron Lasers
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Fr, 20.04.2018
- Fr, 20.04.2018
Sheida Mahmoodi, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Thulium Doped Fiber Laser Mode-locked by Graphene Saturable Absorber
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 12.04.2018
- Th, 12.04.2018
Tobias Schweizer, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Ptychographic reconstruction of XFEL pulses
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 09.04.2018
- Mo, 09.04.2018
Dr. Anne Harth, MPI, Heidelberg, Germany
Laser Seminar / NCCR MUST Seminar: Attosecond timing with spectral resolution
ETH Hönggerberg, HPF G6
Fr, 23.03.2018
- Fr, 23.03.2018
Peter Schunemann, BAE Systems
Highly Nonlinear Crystals for Ultrafast Mid-IR Frequency Conversion
ETH Hönggerberg, HPF G6, Zürich
Th, 22.03.2018
- Th, 22.03.2018
Dr. Laura Cattaneo, Institute for Quantum Electronics, Ultrafast Laser Physics, ETH Zürich
Investigation of photoionization time delays in atomic and molecular targets
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 12.03.2018
- Mo, 12.03.2018
Prof. Stephan Thürmer, Department of Chemistry, University of Kyoto, Japan
Laser Seminar / NCCR MUST Seminar: Exploring non-radiative relaxation processes in X-ray irradiated liquid water and aqueous solutions
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Th, 08.03.2018
- Th, 08.03.2018
Prof. Dr. Thomas Feurer Uni Bern
Terahertzstrahlung - Grundlagen, Forschung und Anwendungen
ETH Hauptgebäude Hörsaal HG G5, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich
Th, 08.03.2018
- Th, 08.03.2018
Dr. Jeremy Rouxel, University of California
LACUS Event: Time-resolved nonlinear signals for X-ray spectroscopy and diffraction
EPFL, Building CHG 1495
Mo, 05.03.2018
- Mo, 05.03.2018
Laser Seminar / NCCR MUST Seminar Sergej Neb
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Tu, 20.02.2018
- Tu, 20.02.2018
Dr. Marino Marsi, Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, CNRS, Univ. Paris Sud Université Paris-Saclay France
Ultrafast study of out-of-equilibrium quantum materials
EPFL Lausanne, CH G1 495
Mo, 19.02.2018
- Mo, 19.02.2018
Davide Soranzio Department of Phyiscs, Università degli studi di Trieste, Italy
Laser Seminar / NCCR MUST Seminar: Non-equilibrium dynamics in WTe2 revealed by ultrafast supercontinuum optical and photoelectron spectroscopies
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Fr, 16.02.2018
- Fr, 16.02.2018
Various speakers
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal A6, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
We, 14.02.2018
- We, 14.02.2018
various speakers
EPFL, Building CE11
Th, 01.02.2018
- Th, 01.02.2018
Dr. Daniela Rupp, MBI Berlin
Diffractive imaging of ultrafast light-induced dynamics on the nanoscale
ETHZ, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Fr, 19.01.2018
- Fr, 19.01.2018
Prof. Dr. Franz X. Kärtner, Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg
Laser Seminar / NCCR MUST Seminar: Terahertz Driven Electron and X-ray Sources
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Th, 07.12.2017
- Th, 07.12.2017
Xiaocui Wang Atomic Physics, Lund University, Sweden
Laser Seminar / NCCR MUST Seminar: Atomic Physics, Lund University, Sweden Modulation of X-ray Reflectivity by a Photo-Acoustic Transducer
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
We, 06.12.2017
- We, 06.12.2017
Prof. Dr. Martin Aeschlimann Department of Physics, University of Kaiserlautern, Germany
Laser Seminar / NCCR MUST Seminar: Revealing the subfemtosecond dynamics of orbital angular momentum in nanoplasmonic vortices
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Th, 30.11.2017
- Th, 30.11.2017
Yiming Zhang, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern, BFH Bern University of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Information Technology, Burgdorf
From Theory To Application: Role of Numerical Simulations in Laser-Material Interaction and Laser Amplifier
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 23.11.2017
- Th, 23.11.2017
Dr. Helena Alves, CICECO, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Carbon Based Crystalline Photonic Devices
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 20.11.2017
- Mo, 20.11.2017
Prof. Jeremy Richardson
Inaugural lecture: Computer simulations of dynamical molecules and chemical reactions
ETH Zürich, Zentrum HG F 30 Audimax
Mo, 20.11.2017
- Mo, 20.11.2017
Prof. Richard Friend, University of Cambridge
LACUS Event: Molecular semiconductors for LEDs and solar cells: designing around the Coulomb interaction
EPFL, Building BCH 2201
Th, 16.11.2017
- Th, 16.11.2017
Christoph Bacher, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Introduction to our Matlab software framework: FiberlabFramework
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 09.11.2017
- Th, 09.11.2017
Michela Gazzetto, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Charge and energy transfer processes in Photoactive Molecular Materials
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
We, 08.11.2017
- We, 08.11.2017
Dr. Fulvio Parmigiani, University of Trieste and University of Cologne
LACUS Event: A Non-equilibrium approach to the optical spectroscopy of high-temperature superconductors
EPFL, Building CH G1495
Th, 02.11.2017
- Th, 02.11.2017
S. Borrelli, M. Bednarzik, C. David, E. Ferrari, V. A. Guzenko, G.L. Orlandi,, C. Ozkan-Loch, E. Pratt and R. Ischebeck, Paul Scherrer Institute PSI, Villigen
Wire Scanner on a Chip
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 02.11.2017
- Th, 02.11.2017
Prof. Nikolaus Ernsting, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Germany
LACUS Event: Hydration Dynamics Seen from the Inside: Possibilities of a Molecular THz Spectrometer
EPFL, Building CH G1495
Th, 26.10.2017
- Th, 26.10.2017
Dr. Leonardo Gasparini, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Trento (IT)
Digital Silicon Photo-Multipliers for biomedical, particle physics and quantum physics applications
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 23.10.2017
- Mo, 23.10.2017
Prof. Walter Pfeiffer Molekül- und Oberflächenphysik, Universität Bielefeld, Germany
Laser Seminar / NCCR MUST Seminar: Intra-atomic Delays in Attosecond Time-resolved Solid State Photoemission
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Th, 19.10.2017
- Th, 19.10.2017
Gregory Gäumann, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Nonlinear THz spectroscopy and NIR pump THz ellipsometry
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 05.10.2017
- Th, 05.10.2017
David Rohrbach, Institute of Mathematics, University of Bern
THz-driven graphene plasmon-based undulator
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 21.09.2017
- Th, 21.09.2017
Dr. Yunpei Deng, Paul Scherrer Institute PSI, Villigen Switzerland
Advancing Ultrashort Laser Pulse Technology: Controlling Ultrafast Electron Motion
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 21.09.2017
- Th, 21.09.2017
Prof. Hiromichi Niikura Department of Applied Physics, Waseda University, Japan
Laser Seminar / NCCR MUST Seminar: Momentum and phase-resolved attosecond electron wavepacket imaging
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HCI J6
Tu, 12.09.2017
- Tu, 12.09.2017
Prof. Thomas Fennel Theoretical Cluster Physics Group Institute of Physics, University of Rostock, Germany
Laser Seminar / NCCR MUST Seminar: Probing the 3D shape and attosecond quantum dynamics of isolated nanostructures via single-shot XUV coherent diffractive imaging
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Th, 07.09.2017
- Th, 07.09.2017
Dr. Hofmann, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of complex Systems, Dresden, Germany
Laser Seminar / NCCR MUST Seminar: Attoclock Revisited
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPT G6
Tu, 15.08.2017
- Tu, 15.08.2017
Prof. Giuseppe Sansone Physikalisches Institut, Albert-Ludwigs Universität, Freiburg, Germany
Laser Seminar / NCCR MUST Seminar: Coherent control and attosecond spatial interferometry in the extreme ultraviolet range
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HCI J243
Fr, 04.08.2017
- Fr, 04.08.2017
Johannes Haase, Paul Scherrer Institute PSI, Villigen Switzerland
Ultrafast and ultrasensitive coupling to molecular vibrations
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
We, 12.07.2017
- We, 12.07.2017
Dr. Davide Bossini Institute for Photon Science and Technology, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Laser seminar: Femtosecond quantum spin dynamics at the edges of the Brillouin zone in antiferromagnets
ETHZ, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Th, 29.06.2017
- Th, 29.06.2017
Prof. Laura Herz, University of Oxford, UK
LACUS Event: Mechanisms limiting charge-carrier recombination and mobilities in metal halide perovskites
EPFL, Building BCH 2201
Th, 22.06.2017
- Th, 22.06.2017
Prof. Omar Mohammed, KAUST
LACUS Event: Mapping Carrier Dynamics on Semiconductor Material Surfaces and at Interfaces using Laser
EPFL, Building BCH 2201
Th, 01.06.2017
- Th, 01.06.2017
Manuel Unternährer, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Super-Resolution Quantum Imaging and the Supertwin Project
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 15.05.2017
- Mo, 15.05.2017
Prof. André Bandrauk Department of Chemistry, University of Sherbrooke, Canada
Laser seminar: Circularly Polarized Molecular High Order Harmonics - Generation and Applications in Attosecond Science
ETHZ, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Th, 11.05.2017
- Th, 11.05.2017
Christoph Bacher, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Yellow light-generation by frequency doubling the output of a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) based cavity
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Tu, 09.05.2017
- Tu, 09.05.2017
Aaron Christopher Riede, University of Konstanz, DE
Nonlinear Plasmonics of Germanium Nanoantennas in the Midinfrared Range
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B5, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 04.05.2017
- Th, 04.05.2017
Prof. Dr. Peter Hommelhoff, Laser Physics, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Ultrafast electron dynamics at the surface of metal nanotips and in graphene
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Th, 27.04.2017
- Th, 27.04.2017
Dr. Anuradha Das, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Deep Eutectic Solvents: Underlying Dynamics and Uses
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 06.04.2017
- Th, 06.04.2017
Dr. Roxana Tarkeshian, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Towards plasma-based techniques for high-field FEL e- beam characterization
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Fr, 31.03.2017
- Fr, 31.03.2017
Dr. Sarah Houver Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, France
Laser seminar: Resonant nonlinear optics in quantum cascade lasers
ETHZ, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Th, 30.03.2017
- Th, 30.03.2017
Christa Biberstein, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Radiofrequent High Voltage Gas Discharges in Hollow Core Photonic Crystal Fibers
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 27.03.2017
- Mo, 27.03.2017
Dr. Erwan Terrier, Université de Strasbourg
Laser seminar: Ultrafast demagnetization in iron oxide nanostructures
ETHZ, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Th, 23.03.2017
- Th, 23.03.2017
Zoltàn Ollmann, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
High energy THz pulse generation by tilted pulse front pumping
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 09.03.2017
- Th, 09.03.2017
Raphael Blümli, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Fiber optical Gyroscope
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 23.02.2017
- Th, 23.02.2017
Lorenzo Valzania, EMPA Dübendorf
Mechanical contact of skin and textiles: THz imaging of the interface
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Tu, 21.02.2017
- Tu, 21.02.2017
Prof. Fernando Martín, Departamento de Química, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Laser Seminar / NCCR MUST Seminar: Attosecond Molecular Dynamics
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HCI J 3
Fr, 27.01.2017
- Fr, 27.01.2017
Universität Bern - IAP Day
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 22.12.2016
- Th, 22.12.2016
Dr. Nina Mosimann, SPIEZ LABORATORY, Radioactivity Group, Federal Office for Civil Protection FOCP, Spiez
Gamma Spectrometry at SPIEZ LABORATORY
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 19.12.2016
- Mo, 19.12.2016
Tenio Popmintchev, Physics Department, Center for Advanced Nanoscience, University of California San Diego, USA
Laser Seminar: Quantum Design of Coherent X-rays for Imaging at the Space-Time Resolution Extreme
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Mo, 12.12.2016
- Mo, 12.12.2016
Prof. Dr. Martin Aeschlimann, Department of Physics, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Laser Seminar / NCCR MUST Seminar: Probing Ultrafast Electron and Spin Dynamics in Momentum, Space, and Time
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Th, 08.12.2016
- Th, 08.12.2016
Jannick Weisshaupt, Max-Born Institut Berlin, Germany
Ultrafast modulation of electronic structure by coherent phonon excitations
Empa Dübendorf, FC-24
Tu, 29.11.2016
- Tu, 29.11.2016
Prof. Jiri Vaníček, Laboratory of Theoretical Physical Chemistry LCPT, EPFL, Lausanne
On-the-fly ab initio semiclassical dynamics for computing vibrationally resolved electronic spectra
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HCI J 3
Th, 24.11.2016
- Th, 24.11.2016
Dr. Céphise Cacho Artemis Central Laser Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, United Kingdom
Tracking electron dynamics in graphene and transition metal dichalcogenide
EPFL CH G1 495, Lausanne
Th, 24.11.2016
- Th, 24.11.2016
Dr. Franziska Frei, Paul Scherrer Institute PSI, Villigen
Moving from a tabletop experiment to SwissFEL
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 21.11.2016
- Mo, 21.11.2016
Prof. Joachim Burgdörfer, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Technische Universtität Wien, Austria
Laser Seminar / NCCR MUST Seminar: Dynamical correlations in ultrafast laser-atom interactions
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Th, 17.11.2016
- Th, 17.11.2016
Dr. Beat Neuenschwander, Institute for Applied Laser, Photonics and Surface Technologies ALPS of the Bern University of Applied Sciences, Burgdorf
Laser Microprocessing with Ultra-Short Laser Pulses: Basics, Limitations and Needs
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 10.11.2016
- Th, 10.11.2016
Dr. Peter Peier, Eidgenössisches Institut für Metrologie METAS, Labor Ionisierende Strahlung, Bern- Wabern
Electron Beam Diagnostics for FELs and Medical Accelerators
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 07.11.2016
- Mo, 07.11.2016
Prof. Anne L'Huillier, Atomic Physics, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden
Laser Seminar / NCCR MUST Seminar: Versatile sources of high-order harmonics
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Th, 03.11.2016
- Th, 03.11.2016
Alice Sciortino, University of Palermo and University of Catania, Italy, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
The Wonderland of Carbon Dots
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Tu, 01.11.2016
- Tu, 01.11.2016
Prof. Thomas Elsässer, Max-Born-Institut für Nichtlineare Optik und Kurzzeitspektroskopie, Berlin, Germany,
Electric interactions and structure fluctuations of hydrated DNA mapped by 2D infrared spectroscopy
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HCI J3
Th, 27.10.2016
- Th, 27.10.2016
Dr. Florian Enderli, Technologieentwicklung, SwissOptic AG, CH-9435 Heerbrugg
Free form surfaces on all optics?
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 20.10.2016
- Th, 20.10.2016
Dr. Andreas Galler, European XFEL GmbH, 22869 Schenefeld, Germany
Exploring Ultrafast Molecular Dynamics: The Femtosecond X-ray Experiments Instrument
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
We, 19.10.2016
- We, 19.10.2016
Prof. Mikhail Belkin, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin
Flat nonlinear optics: efficient frequency conversion in gradient nonlinear metasurfaces
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HIT F 31.2
Th, 22.09.2016
- Th, 22.09.2016
Dr. Esther Hsiao-Rho Tsai, Paul Scherrer Institute PSI, Villigen
X-ray ptychography
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
We, 08.06.2016
- We, 08.06.2016
Prof. Dr. Shaul Mukamel, UC Irvine, Professor of Chemistry, University Irvine, California, USA
Probing conical intersections in molecules by stimulated X-ray Raman, photoelectron spectroscopy and at optical cavities
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HCI J6
Tu, 31.05.2016
- Tu, 31.05.2016
Michael Bauer, Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, University of Kiel, D-24098 Kiel, Germany
Ultrafast Dynamics in solids probed by time-resolved XUV-ARPES
ETH Science City, HPF G6
Th, 26.05.2016
- Th, 26.05.2016
Prof. Thomas Graule, EMPA, Dübendorf
Ceramics and Nanocomposite Research at EMPA's Laboratory for High Performance Ceramics
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Fr, 20.05.2016
- Fr, 20.05.2016
Prof. Anthony Starace, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Applications of Elliptically Polarized, Few-Cycle Attosecond Pulses
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HCI J6
We, 18.05.2016
- We, 18.05.2016
Prof. Anthony Starace, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
FAST Lecture: Tutorial on Attosecond Physics: Near Future Prospects
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Tu, 17.05.2016
- Tu, 17.05.2016
Prof. Anthony Starace, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
FAST Lecture: Tutorial on Atomic Photoionization with Applications to Harmonic Generation and Multiphoton Ionization
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Mo, 02.05.2016
- Mo, 02.05.2016
Prof. Dr. Christoph Hauri, Group Leader, Laser Group, Swiss XFEL, Paul Scherrer-Institute, Villigen, Switzerland
Manipulating magnetic and optical properties of condensed matter with intense Terahertz pulses
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Th, 28.04.2016
- Th, 28.04.2016
Robert Boyd, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Quantum Nonlinear Optics at the University of Ottawa and on the Faculty at the University of Rochester
Quantum Nonlinear Optics: Nonlinear Optics Meets the Quantum World
Th, 28.04.2016
- Th, 28.04.2016
Dr. Wim Leemans, Director of the Accelerator Technology and Applied Physics (ATAP) Division and Director of the BELLA (Berkeley Lab Laser Accerlator) Center at LBNL, Berkeley
Laser plasma accelerator R&D at Berkeley Lab's BELLA Center
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
We, 27.04.2016
- We, 27.04.2016
Prof. Dr. Steven Johnson, IQE, ETH Zürich
Driving Atomic-Scale Structure Changes with Ultrashort Pulses of Light
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HPV G4
We, 27.04.2016
- We, 27.04.2016
Prof. Steve Johnson, ETH Zürich
Driving Atomic-Scale Structure Changes with Ultrashort Pulses of Light
HPV G4, ETH Hönggerberg Campus
Th, 21.04.2016
- Th, 21.04.2016
Prof. Eric Vauthey, Département de Chimie Physique, Université de Genève
Joint seminar Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry / Institute of Applied Physics Addressing basic questions on photoinduced electron transfer processes using ultrafast spectroscopy
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal DCB/S481, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Fr, 15.04.2016
- Fr, 15.04.2016
Prof. Mona Jarrahi, University of California, Los Angeles
New Frontiers in Terahertz Technology
ETH Zurich, Zentrum, ML F40
Th, 14.04.2016
- Th, 14.04.2016
Dr. Georg Achazi, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Single Shot detection for UV-Spectroscopy
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
We, 13.04.2016
- We, 13.04.2016
Prof. Ivan Powis, Professor of Chemical Physics, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
Emerging Directions in Chiral Molecule Photoionization
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HCI J3
Th, 07.04.2016
- Th, 07.04.2016
Dr. Andrew Lundgren, Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik, Albert-Einstein-Institut, Hannover, Germany
Detection of Gravitational Waves: The GW150914 Event
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 04.04.2016
- Mo, 04.04.2016
Prof. Dr. Christian Rüegg, Head of Laboratory for Neutron Scattering and Imaging (LNS), Paul Scherrer-Institute, Villigen, Switzerland
Quantum Magnets and Criticality in and out of Equilibrium
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
We, 23.03.2016
- We, 23.03.2016
Prof. Ursula Keller, IQE, ETH Zurich
Attosecond Ionization Time Delays
ETH Hönggerberg Campus, HPV G 4
Mo, 21.03.2016
- Mo, 21.03.2016
Prof. Dr. Ming Shi, Spectroscopy of Novel Materials Group, Paul Scherrer-Institute, Villigen, Switzerland
ARPES on High-Temperature Superconductors & Topological Materials
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Th, 17.03.2016
- Th, 17.03.2016
Prof. Gregory Scholes, Princeton University
Joint seminar Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry / Institute of Applied Physics Photosynthetic Light Harvesting: An Overview
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal DCB/S481, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Tu, 15.03.2016
- Tu, 15.03.2016
Dr. Karol Nass, Max-Planck-Institut, Heidelberg, Germany
Radiation Damage and Phasing in Protein Crystallography at X-ray Free-Electron Lasers
OSGA/EG06 (Hörsaal PSI Schulungsgebäude)
Mo, 14.03.2016
- Fr, 18.03.2016
Prof. Gregory Scholes, Princeton University, USA
SCS Lectureships: Coherent Energy Transfer in Photosynthetic Light Harvesting
Multiple locations: Lausanne, Genève, Fribourg, Bern, Zürich
Mo, 29.02.2016
- Mo, 29.02.2016
Prof. Dr. Charles Rhodes, Laboratory for X-Ray Microimaging and Bioinformatics, Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Rewriting the Rules Governing High Intensity Interactions of Light with Matter
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Mo, 29.02.2016
- Mo, 29.02.2016
Stéphane Sebban Laboratoire d’optique appliquée, École Polytechnique and ELI beamlines, Palaiseau, France
Progress on laboratory-size ultra-intense soft x-ray lasers
Empa, Dübendorf, Theodor-Erismann-Auditorium, VE102
Th, 25.02.2016
- Th, 25.02.2016
Ilie Radu, Max-Born Institute Berlin and Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, BESSY II, Berlin, Germany
Engineering Ultrafast Magnetism
Th, 18.02.2016
- Th, 18.02.2016
Prof. Graham Worth, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Unravelling Time-resolved Spectra Using Quantum Dynamics Simulations
EPF Lausanne, CH G1 495
Fr, 29.01.2016
- Fr, 29.01.2016
Universität Bern - IAP Day
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 25.01.2016
- Mo, 25.01.2016
Prof. Dr. Thomas Pfeifer, Director of Division Quantum Dynamics and Control, Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Germany
Fundamental dynamics of small quantum systems probed and controlled by low and high frequency (laser) interactions
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPT C103
Th, 17.12.2015
- Th, 17.12.2015
Dr. Francesca Calegari, Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnologies, IFN-CNR, Milano, Italy
Charge migration in amino acids: observing pure electron dynamics induced by XUV attosecond pulses
EPF Lausanne, CH G1 495
Fr, 11.12.2015
- Fr, 11.12.2015
Dr. Christof Fattinger, Roche Innovation Center Basel
Focal Molography on a Monolithic Brushed-Polymer Layer
ETH Hönggerberg, HCI J7
Th, 10.12.2015
- Th, 10.12.2015
Prof. Jean-Pierre Wolf, Group of Applied Physics, University of Geneva
High Field Physics and Laser Filamentation
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 26.11.2015
- Th, 26.11.2015
Prof. Ruth Signorell, Aerosols and Nanoscience, ETH Zurich
Spectroscopy with molecular clusters and nanoscale aerosol particles
EPF Lausanne, CH G1 495
Th, 26.11.2015
- Th, 26.11.2015
Dr. Gregor Knopp, Paul Scherrer Institute PSI, Villigen
Towards application of nonlinear time resolved X-ray spectroscopy
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
We, 25.11.2015
- We, 25.11.2015
Yulia Pushkar, Associate Professor of Physics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA
Bright, ultrashort X-ray pulses and what you can imagine doing with them
ETH Hönggerberg, HPF G6
Mo, 16.11.2015
- Mo, 16.11.2015
Dr. Robert Boge, ELI Beamlines, Institute of Physics, Prague, Czech Republic
ELI: Providing Unprecedented Laser Technology to the Research Community
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Th, 22.10.2015
- Th, 22.10.2015
Prof. Henrik Stapelfeldt, University of Aarhus, Denmark
Femtosecond Time-resolved Imaging of Chiral Molecules
EPF Lausanne, CH G1 495
Th, 22.10.2015
- Th, 22.10.2015
Philippe Raisin, Optical Fiber and Fiber Laser Lab, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Intrinsically stable all in-fiber broadband light-source / Two dimensional refractive index mapping of optical fibers
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 15.10.2015
- Th, 15.10.2015
Prof. Petr Slavicek, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
X-Ray Photodynamics in Liquid Phase: Ab Initio Simulations
EPF Lausanne, CH G1 495
Th, 15.10.2015
- Th, 15.10.2015
Lukas Gallmann, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern, and ETH Zurich
Exploring the long-wavelength limit of the electric dipole approximation
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Tu, 13.10.2015
- Tu, 13.10.2015
R.Wilcox, Berkeley University
SwissFEL Seminar: Timing and phasing of ultrafast pulses for FELs and plasma accelerators
Mo, 12.10.2015
- Mo, 12.10.2015
Alexandra Landsman, Max-Planck Institut, Dresden, Germany
Resonant interaction between ultra-short laser pulses and matter
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Th, 08.10.2015
- Th, 08.10.2015
Prof. Ruth Signorell, Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, ETH Zürich
Spectroscopy with molecular clusters and nanoscale aerosol particles
EPF Lausanne, CH G1 495
Mo, 05.10.2015
- Mo, 05.10.2015
Darius Torchinsky, Department of Physics, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA
Revealing hidden symmetry breaking in strongly correlated matter
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Th, 17.09.2015
- Th, 17.09.2015
Caroline Bösch, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Bern
Self-Assembly of Phenanthrene-Oligomers into Nanotubes with Light-Harvesting Properties
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 14.09.2015
- Mo, 14.09.2015
Eva Lindroth, Department of Physics , Stockholm University, Alba Nova University Center, Stockholm, Sweden
Resonances in photoionization cross sections and delays
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Fr, 11.09.2015
- Fr, 11.09.2015
Dr. Matthias Hengsberger, UniZH
Study of electronic and structural dynamics by means of time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and diffraction
PSI, WHGA/001 Auditorium
Th, 10.09.2015
- Th, 10.09.2015
Darius H. Torchinsky, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Revealing hidden symmetry breaking in strongly correlated matter
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 31.08.2015
- Mo, 31.08.2015
Jens Limpert, Fiber and Waveguide Lasers, Institute of Applied Physics, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany
Coherent combination of fiber amplified ultrashort laser pulses
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Mo, 10.08.2015
- Mo, 10.08.2015
Dirk Sutter, TRUMPF Laser GmbH + Co, Schramberg, Germany
Industrial Ultrafast Disk Lasers
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Th, 02.07.2015
- Th, 02.07.2015
Dr. Spiros Skourtis, University of Cyprus and University of Freiburg, Germany
Electron transfer processes from the molecular to the cellular length scales
EPF Lausanne, CH G1 495
Th, 18.06.2015
- Th, 18.06.2015
Dr. Eduard Prat Costa, PSI
SwissFEL Meeting: Simple method to generate terawatt-attosecond X-ray free-electron-laser pulses
Th, 04.06.2015
- Th, 04.06.2015
Dr. Marco Cammarata, University of Rennes 1, France
Watching matter in real time with X-ray Free Electron Lasers
EPF Lausanne, CH G1 495
Th, 28.05.2015
- Th, 28.05.2015
Jos Kohn, Université de Fribourg and Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Dispersion measurements of fibres
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 28.05.2015
- Th, 28.05.2015
Prof. Sylvie Roke, Laboratory for fundamental BioPhotonics, EPFL
Is water responding symmetrically to charge?
EPF Lausanne, CH G1 495
Th, 21.05.2015
- Th, 21.05.2015
Prof. Angel Rubio, Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg and NanoBio Spectroscopy Group and ETSF Scientific Development Centre, Universidad del País Vasco, UPV/EHU San Sebastián, Spain
Simulation of Optoelectronic and Photovoltaic processes within a TDDFT formalism
EPF Lausanne, CH G1 495
Th, 21.05.2015
- Th, 21.05.2015
Dr. Thilo Stöferle, IBM Research GmbH, Zurich Research Laboratory, Rüschlikon
Exciton-polariton Bose-Einstein condensation with a polymer at room temperature
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 18.05.2015
- Mo, 18.05.2015
Manfred Lein, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover, Germany
Two-colour strong-field ionization
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Mo, 11.05.2015
- Mo, 11.05.2015
Prof. Markus Pollnau, KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Kista/Stockholm, Sweden
The Laser Linewidth
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Th, 07.05.2015
- Th, 07.05.2015
Prof. Christian Eggeling, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Lipid membrane bioactivity – novel insights from optical super-resolution (STED-FCS) microscopy
EPF Lausanne, CH G1 495
Th, 30.04.2015
- Th, 30.04.2015
Prof. Ludger Wöste, Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Experimentalphysik, Berlin, Germany
Fundamentals and Applications of Plasma Filaments
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 23.04.2015
- Th, 23.04.2015
Prof. Eric Vauthey, University of Geneva
Ultrafast Photoinduced Processes at Liquid Interfaces: what is different from bulk solutions?
EPF Lausanne, CH G1 495
Th, 16.04.2015
- Th, 16.04.2015
Dr. Erwin Bente, Department of Electrical Engineering, COBRA Research Institute, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands
Integrated Indium Phosphide based modelocked lasers
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPT E13
Th, 02.04.2015
- Th, 02.04.2015
Dr. Pavle Juranic, Paul Scherrer Institut PSI, Villigen
Temporal Diagnostics Measurements with the Pulse Arrival and Length Monitor (PALM) at SACLA
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 02.04.2015
- Th, 02.04.2015
Prof. Johan Hofkens, Laboratory for Photochemistry and Spectroscopy, University of Leuven, Belgium
The power of one: what can we learn from singe molecule fluorescence microscopy measurements?
EPF Lausanne, CH G1 495
Th, 26.03.2015
- Th, 26.03.2015
Dr. Hans Peter Herzig, Optics & Photonics Technology Laboratory (OPT), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Neuchâtel
Bloch surface waves, a 2D platform for planar optical integration
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
We, 25.03.2015
- We, 25.03.2015
Bradley J. Siwick, Center for the Physics of Materials, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Structure and Dynamics with Ultrafast Electron Microscopes
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Tu, 24.03.2015
- Tu, 24.03.2015
B. Siwick, Mc Gill Uni, Canada
SwissFEL Seminar: Structure and Dynamics with Ultrafast Electron Microscopes
PSI, OrtWBGB/019
Th, 19.03.2015
- Th, 19.03.2015
Dr. Cristina Consani, Universität Würzburg, Germany
Coherent two-dimensional spectroscopy: from photochemistry to exciton dynamics
EPFL, CH G1 495
Th, 19.03.2015
- Th, 19.03.2015
Dr. Antonino La Magna, CNR IMM, Istituto per la Microelettronica e Microsistemi, Catania, Italy
Electron transport theories from the quantum to the ultra high field regimes
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 16.03.2015
- Mo, 16.03.2015
Prof. Hui Cao, Departement of Applied Physics, Yale University, USA
Random Lasers
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Fr, 13.03.2015
- Fr, 13.03.2015
Dr. Predrag Ranitovic, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Berkeley, USA
Control of atomic and molecular XUV absorption processes using intense IR fields and prosepcts of using ELI-ALPS user facility
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HCI E241
Th, 12.03.2015
- Th, 12.03.2015
Dr. Ulrich Lorenz, CALTECH, USA
Mechanics of DNA Structures and Liquid Flow in Nanotubes: Observing Nanoscale Dynamics by 4D Electron Microscopy
Th, 05.03.2015
- Th, 05.03.2015
T. Südmeyer, Univ. Neuchatel
Recent Trends in Ultrafast Lasers and Optical Frequency Combs
PSI, OrtWHGA/001 Auditorium
Mo, 02.03.2015
- Mo, 02.03.2015
Prof. Wolfgang Sandner, Director General and CEO, ELI-DC International Association AISBL, Berlin, Germany
The Extreme Light Infrastructure ELI: Europe on its way to build the world’s first international laser user facility
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Fr, 27.02.2015
- Fr, 27.02.2015
Prof. Elisabeth Giacobino, Equipe Optique Quantique, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Paris
A quantum memory for twisted photons
Auditoire Stükelberg, Ecole de Physique (Quai Ernest-Ansermet, 24 - 1211 Genève)
Th, 26.02.2015
- Th, 26.02.2015
Dr. Fabrizio Messina, Laboratory of Advanced Materials Physics (LAMP), Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica, Università degli Studi di Palermo (Italy)
Optical and structural properties of Carbon nanodots and Metal-Organic Frameworks
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 19.02.2015
- Th, 19.02.2015
Prof. Dr. Peter Mulser, Institute of Applied Physics Darmstadt University of Technology and Dr. Ernst Fill, Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics Attosecond Physics Garching
Scientific workshop marking the retirement of Prof. Dr. Jürg Balmer
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B5, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Tu, 17.02.2015
- Tu, 17.02.2015
Prof. Nikolaus Ernsting, Institut für Chemie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Allemagne)
Observing the Hydration Layer of Biomolecules with a Linked Molecular THz Probe
Université de Genève, lecture theatre 1S081, Sciences III
Tu, 17.02.2015
- Tu, 17.02.2015
Prof. Dr. David Tilley, University of Zurich, CH
Solar Water Splitting with Metal Oxide Semiconductors
Universität Zürich Irchel, Winterthurerstrasse 190, 8057 Zürich Raum: Y03 G-85
We, 28.01.2015
- We, 28.01.2015
Prof. Tobias Kippenberg, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), K-Lab, Lausanne
The Science of Optical Microresonators: Chipscale Optical Frequency Combs
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Th, 18.12.2014
- Th, 18.12.2014
Dr. Paul Beaud, FEMTO Group, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen
Ultrafast structural dynamics in solid matter studied by x-ray diffraction
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
We, 10.12.2014
- We, 10.12.2014
Dr. Nora Kling, Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching
Phase tagging for exploring the carrier-envelope phase control of ionization and dissociation
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HCI E241
Tu, 09.12.2014
- Tu, 09.12.2014
Frank Schlawin, Institute of Physics, Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
Nonlinear spectroscopy with quantum light
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B77, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 08.12.2014
- Mo, 08.12.2014
Dr. Adriana Palffy, Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg
Nuclear and atomic quantum dynamics with strong optical, x-ray and gamma-ray fields
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Fr, 05.12.2014
- Fr, 05.12.2014
Shunsuke A. Sato, Departement of Physics, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Microscopic simulation for laser-induced electron dynamics in solids
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Th, 04.12.2014
- Th, 04.12.2014
Dr. Johannes Haase, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen
Ultrafast biexcitonic signatures in single quantum dot pump-probe spectroscopy
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
We, 03.12.2014
- We, 03.12.2014
Dr. Georg Achazi, Institute for Experimental Physics, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Transmission of parametrically polarization shaped pulses through a hollow core photonic crystal fiber
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B78, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 27.11.2014
- Th, 27.11.2014
Prof. Paolo Favaro, Institute of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, University of Bern
The Light Field Camera: Extended Depth of Field, Aliasing and Superresolution
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 20.11.2014
- Th, 20.11.2014
Prof. Tõnu Pullerits, Lund University, Sweden
Photocurrent detected 2D spectroscopy reveals details of multiple exciton generation in colloidal quantum dots
EPFL Campus, CH G1 495
Fr, 07.11.2014
- Fr, 07.11.2014
Prof. S. Mukamel, University of California
Coherent Multidimensional Raman Spectroscopy of Molecules
Auditoire Stuckelberg Section de Physique 24, Quai Ernest-Ansermet CH-1211, Genève 4
Fr, 07.11.2014
- Fr, 07.11.2014
Dr. Jason Greenwood
Ultrafast Charge Migration in Biological Building Blocks
EPFL, CH G1 495
We, 29.10.2014
- We, 29.10.2014
André Stefanov
Broadband energy-entangled photons for light-matter interaction and quantum information
University of Zurich, Irchel Campus, 36 J 33
Tu, 28.10.2014
- Tu, 28.10.2014
Nirit Dudovich
Recollision processes – from measurement to control
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Mo, 27.10.2014
- Mo, 27.10.2014
Nirit Dudovich
Looking into the optical cycle via high harmonics spectroscopy
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Fr, 10.10.2014
- Fr, 10.10.2014
Dr. Oriol Vendrell Center for Free-­‐Electron Laser Science, DESY, Hamburg, Germany
Nuclear and electronic dynamics after photo-­‐ionization
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HCI J6
We, 01.10.2014
- We, 01.10.2014
Uwe Thumm, Professor of Physics, James R. Macdonald Laboratory and Department of Physics, Kansas State University
Attosecond physics: Time-resolved coherent excitation and photoelectron emission from atoms nanoparticles and solid surfaces
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Tu, 30.09.2014
- Tu, 30.09.2014
Uwe Thumm, Professor of Physics, James R. Macdonald Laboratory and Department of Physics, Kansas State University
Femtosecond physics: Imaging intramolecular forces and nuclear wave functions in small molecules with ultrashort laser and XUV pulses
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Mo, 29.09.2014
- Mo, 29.09.2014
Prof. Dr. Mauro Nisoli, Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Fisica
Charge migration in molecules
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Fr, 26.09.2014
- Fr, 26.09.2014
Toshinori Suzuki, Kyoto University, Departement of Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan
Ultrafast photoelectron spectroscopy of gases and liquids
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HCI J6
Th, 25.09.2014
- Th, 25.09.2014
Dr. Egmont Rohwer, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Ultrafast electron transfer reactions of ZnO solar cells sensitized with indoline dyes
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Sa, 20.09.2014
- Su, 21.09.2014
See attachment
Lerici Sea Side Seminars 2014
Hotel Lido, Lerici, Italy
Th, 18.09.2014
- Th, 18.09.2014
Dr. Hirofumi Yanagisawa, Institute for Quantum Electronics, ETH Zürich
Laser-induced field emission from a tungsten tip in weak and strong optical fields
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 15.09.2014
- Mo, 15.09.2014
Prof. Dr. Fernando Martin, Departamento de Quimica, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
Electron and nuclear dynamics in the photoionization of molecules
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Th, 11.09.2014
- Th, 11.09.2014
Michela Gazzetto, Laboratory of Quantum Electronics and Nonlinear Optics, Electronics Department, University of Pavia, Italy
Simulation and production of reconfigurable opto-electronic traps on iron doped Lithium Niobate substrate
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 26.05.2014
- Mo, 26.05.2014
Ludger Wöste, Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Experimentalphysik
Fundamentals and Applications of Plasma Filaments
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Tu, 13.05.2014
- Tu, 13.05.2014
Prof. Dr. Lorenz Cederbaum, Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Heidelberg, Germany
Interatomic Coulombic Decay and its exploration by short, intense and coherent light pulses
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HCI J3
Mo, 12.05.2014
- Mo, 12.05.2014
Prof. Shaul Mukamel, Department of Chemistry, University of California - Irvine, USA
Multidimensional Spectroscopy of Molecules with Classical and Quantum Light; From NMR to X-Rays
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HCI J7
Th, 08.05.2014
- Th, 08.05.2014
Prof. André Bandrauk, Professor of Theoretical Chemistry - Canada Research Chair / Computational Chemistry & Photonics
Molecules in intense laser fields: II - Linear to Circular Polarization “Attosecond” Pulses-Generation and Applications
HCI G3, ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus
Th, 08.05.2014
- Th, 08.05.2014
Yannik Waeber, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Comsol simulation of high field THz focusing
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
We, 07.05.2014
- We, 07.05.2014
Prof. André Bandrauk, Professor of Theoretical Chemistry - Canada Research Chair / Computational Chemistry & Photonics
Molecules in intense laser fields: I - from Schroedinger to Dirac to Maxwell
HPT C103, ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus
Th, 01.05.2014
- Th, 01.05.2014
Prof. Dr. Thomas Feurer, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 24.04.2014
- Th, 24.04.2014
Prof. Dr. Martina Havenith, Laserspektroskopie & Biophotonik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, DE
It is water which matters: Observing the rattling modes of ions in the THz Range
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Tu, 22.04.2014
- Fr, 25.04.2014
Prof. Martina Havenith, Ruhr-University Bochum
THz sources and THz applications
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HCI D8
Th, 17.04.2014
- Th, 17.04.2014
Dr. Luigi Bonacina, GAP Biophotonics, University of Geneva
Harmonic nanoparticles for nonlinear imaging and DNA photo-interaction
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Tu, 15.04.2014
- Tu, 15.04.2014
Prof. Dr. Thomas Konrad, School of Physics, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, ZA
Quantum Information Processing with light carrying Orbital Angular Momentum
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B77, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 14.04.2014
- Mo, 14.04.2014
Meike Stöhr, Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Characterization and modification of structural and electronic surface properties
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Th, 10.04.2014
- Th, 10.04.2014
Prof. Dr. Jamie L. Manson, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA, USA
Low-dimensional quantum magnets composed of strong hydrogen bonds
Th, 03.04.2014
- Th, 03.04.2014
Yuseff Rodriguez, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
2D-VIS spectroscopy
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 20.03.2014
- Th, 20.03.2014
Dr. Janne Savolainen, Department of Chemistry, University of Zurich
Non-linear THz spectroscopy on water
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 13.03.2014
- Th, 13.03.2014
Dr. Alexander Heidt, Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton, UK
2 Micron and beyond – new fibers, sources and applications for the mid-IR
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
We, 05.03.2014
- We, 05.03.2014
Eberhard Riedle, Professor of Experimental Physics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Münich
Workshop on UV-Supercontinuum and compression
Geneva, seminar room, GAP, 22 chemin de Pinchat, 1227 Carouge
Th, 27.02.2014
- Th, 27.02.2014
Prof. Dr. Ruth Signorell, Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, ETH Zürich, and, Dept. of Chemistry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Physical Chemistry Spectroscopy of weakly-bound nanosized aerosol particles (joint IAP and DCB seminar)
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal S481, Freiestrasse 3, 3012 Bern
Fr, 14.02.2014
- Fr, 14.02.2014
Tomas Zimmermann, Laboratory of theoretical physical chemistry, EPFL
“On the fly” semiclassical calculation of nonadiabatic spectra of pyrazine
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HIT F-12
Mo, 03.02.2014
- Mo, 03.02.2014
Richard Taieb, Université Sorbonne, Paris, France
Ab initio quantum study of the dynamics of excited SO2 molecule
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Mo, 13.01.2014
- Mo, 13.01.2014
Christoph Heyl, Lund University, Sweden
Noncollinear Optical Gating
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Mo, 06.01.2014
- Mo, 06.01.2014
Thomas Wolf, PULSE Institute, Stanford University and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA
Studying ultrafast processes in organic molecules: From UV to XUV and combining experiment with theory
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Th, 12.12.2013
- Th, 12.12.2013
Prof. Anatoly Faenov, Joint institute for High Temperature, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia and, Quantum Beam Science Directorate, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan
High – performance LiF crystal and film quantum beam detectors for high-resolution imaging
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 05.12.2013
- Th, 05.12.2013
Dereje Etissa, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Progress on rare earth doped optical fiber fabrication by Sol-Gel and granulates silica method
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B77, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 28.11.2013
- Th, 28.11.2013
Prof. Dr. Harald Weinfurter, Fakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany and Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany
Heralded entanglement between distant atoms. Towards a loophole free test of Bell's inequality ?
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 21.11.2013
- Th, 21.11.2013
Dr. Frank van Mourik, Institute of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, Laboratory of Ultrafast Spectroscopy, EPFL Lausanne
Time resolved Stark effect of proteins some attempts from the past, what is possible now?
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 18.11.2013
- Mo, 18.11.2013
Prof. Manfred Lein, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Leibnitz Universität Hannover, Hannover, Germany
Science with strong laser fields: the Keldysh tunneling time and the photoelectron circular dichroism
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Mo, 18.11.2013
- Mo, 18.11.2013
Manfred Lein, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Leibnitz Universität Hannover, Hannover, Germany
Tutorial: Retrieval of the ionization and return times from two-color high-harmonic generation
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Th, 14.11.2013
- Th, 14.11.2013
Michael Siegrist, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Self-photopumped Ne-like and Ni-like X-ray laser
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 07.11.2013
- Th, 07.11.2013
Dr. Fabian Brunner, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Distortion-free enhancement of THz signals measured by electro-optic sampling
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 24.10.2013
- Th, 24.10.2013
Stefan Lerch, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Toward experimental two-photon absorption with entangled photons
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 17.10.2013
- Th, 17.10.2013
Fei Jia, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
7.36 nm Ni-like Sm Soft-x-ray Laser
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 10.10.2013
- Th, 10.10.2013
Dr. Michael Brügmann, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Theory and Simulation of Laser Cutting of metals
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 26.09.2013
- Th, 26.09.2013
Giovanni Longo, Laboratory of the Physics of Living Matter LPMV, EPFL, Lausanne
A mechanical sensor to study movement at the nanoscale
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Tu, 24.09.2013
- Tu, 24.09.2013
Prof. Dr. Robin Santra, Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, Hamburg, Germany
X-ray multiphoton ionization and the phase problem in coherent diffractive imaging
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HCI J 3
Th, 19.09.2013
- Th, 19.09.2013
Salvatore Bagiante, PSI Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen
Generation of high field enhancement of THz light using Nano-antennas
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 10.06.2013
- Mo, 10.06.2013
Ingo Barth, Max-Born Institut, Berlin
Spin polarization and rotating hole dynamics induced by nonadiabatic tunneling in circularly polarized laser fields
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Mo, 27.05.2013
- Mo, 27.05.2013
Bill Pedrini, PSI
Cross-correlations in X-ray structure determination and other experimental methods
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Fr, 24.05.2013
- Fr, 24.05.2013
Prof. Eberhard Riedle, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, BioMolekulare Optik, Munich, Germany
From vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field and continuum generation to versatile tunable femtosecond sources
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 23.05.2013
- Th, 23.05.2013
Abraham Nitzan, School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Optical and magnetic phenomena at molecules-metal interfaces
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
We, 22.05.2013
- We, 22.05.2013
Dr. Grzegorz Milczarek, Institute of Chemistry and Technical Electrochemistry, Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland
Lignosulfonate-Stabilized Nanoparticles: Properties and Applications
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 16.05.2013
- Th, 16.05.2013
Justyna Fabianska, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
THz-driven streak camera based on giant field enhancement in split-ring resonators
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 13.05.2013
- Mo, 13.05.2013
Bhargava Ram, LaserLab, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Probing molecular chirality with a femtosecond reaction microscope
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Mo, 06.05.2013
- Mo, 06.05.2013
Alfred Maquet, Laboratoire de Chimie Physique-Matière et Rayonnement, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris Cedex, France
Attosecond delays in photoionization
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Th, 02.05.2013
- Th, 02.05.2013
Dr. Ariana Rondi, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Single shot detection and noise analysis
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 29.04.2013
- Mo, 29.04.2013
Thomas Schultz, Max-Born Institut, Berlin
Combining High-Resolution and Ultrafast Measurements
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Th, 18.04.2013
- Th, 18.04.2013
Fabrizio Carbone, EPFL
The interplay between structural and electronic degrees of freedom in the fs-dynamics of strongly correlated electron systems
Universität Zürich, Irchel, Y 34-K-01
Th, 28.03.2013
- Th, 28.03.2013
Dr. Rob Thew, Quantum Photonics and Quantum Communication Group, University of Geneva
Engineering quantum photonic systems
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 21.03.2013
- Th, 21.03.2013
Ursula Keller, Ultrafast Laser Physics, IQE, ETH
High average power ultrafast lasers
ETH Zurich, Hauptgebäude, HG E-3
Th, 21.03.2013
- Th, 21.03.2013
Mabel Ruiz Lopez, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Critical aspects for nano-imaging in XUV Lab-scale Laser
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 18.03.2013
- Mo, 18.03.2013
Bill Pedrini Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen PSI
Cross-correlations in X-ray structure determination and other experimental methods
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Th, 14.03.2013
- Th, 14.03.2013
Dr. Marek Gusowski, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Inter- and Intraconfigurational luminescence in hexafluorocryolite-type K3YF6 lattice
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 11.03.2013
- Mo, 11.03.2013
Johan Mauritsson, Department of Physics, Atomic Physics, Lund University, Sweden
High-harmonic generation using multi-color light fields
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Th, 07.03.2013
- Th, 07.03.2013
Dr. Christof Affolderbach, Université de Neuchâtel, Institut de physique, Laboratoire temps-fréquence, Neuchâtel
High-performance and miniaturized atomic clocks based on laser-microwave double-resonance
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 28.02.2013
- Th, 28.02.2013
Leili Masoudnia, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Hohlraum Target for Overcoming Refractive Losses in Plasma X-ray Lasers
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Tu, 15.01.2013
- We, 16.01.2013
Prof. Robin Santra, Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, DESY, Hamburg, Germany
Theory of interacting electrons in electromagnetic fields
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HCI J4
Th, 13.12.2012
- Th, 13.12.2012
Prof. Dr. Mischa Bonn, Max-Planck-Institut für Polymerforschung, Mainz, Deutschland
joint IAP and DCB seminar on Physical Chemistry Quantitative, Label-free vibrational microscopy for catalysis
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal S481 DCB, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 10.12.2012
- Mo, 10.12.2012
Jon Marangos, Imperial College London
Controlling recollisions to extract attosecond molecular dynamics & ionization dynamics in CO2
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HPF G6
Th, 29.11.2012
- Th, 29.11.2012
Dr. Jérémie Léonard, Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux, IPCMS-DON, Université de Strasbourg - CNRS, France
Ultrafast coherent photoisomerization in biomimetic photoswitches
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Fr, 16.11.2012
- Fr, 16.11.2012
Paul Beaud + Christoph Hauri, PSI, Workshop Organizer
SwissFEL - Pump Laser Workshop
Th, 15.11.2012
- Th, 15.11.2012
Dr. Igor A. Artyukov, P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, Russia
Multilayer optics for X-ray and Extreme Ultraviolet applications
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 08.11.2012
- Th, 08.11.2012
Dr. Jürgen Hauer, Multidimensional Molecular Spectroscopy Group, Photonics Institute, Vienna Technical University
Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy- Basics and Applications to Bio-Systems
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Fr, 02.11.2012
- Fr, 02.11.2012
Joseph Eberly, University of Rochester, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rochester, NY
Understanding light polarization a bit better
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg HPL D32
Th, 01.11.2012
- Th, 01.11.2012
Joseph Eberly, University of Rochester, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rochester, NY
What is the SENE approach to high-field atomic effects
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HIT H42
Th, 01.11.2012
- Th, 01.11.2012
Dr. Urs Dürig, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Rüschlikon
joint IAP and DCB seminar on Physical Chemistry Ultra-fast thermo mechanical nano-lithography using thermo-dynamically unstable polymers
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal S481 DCB, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
We, 31.10.2012
- We, 31.10.2012
Prof. Dr. Peter Hamm, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Uni Zurich
The Quest of the Structure of Water
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HPV G4
Mo, 29.10.2012
- Th, 01.11.2012
Anders Nilsson, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA USA
X-ray and electron spectroscopy
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus
Th, 25.10.2012
- Th, 25.10.2012
Prof. Dr. Fabrizio Carbone , Laboratory for ultrafast microscopy and electron scattering (LUMES), Institute for Condensed Matter Physics, EPFL Lausanne
Dynamical investigation of strongly correlated electron systems
Th, 25.10.2012
- Th, 25.10.2012
Prof. Dr. A. Vlcek, Jr., School of Biological and Chemical Sciences Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Phototriggering Electron Flow in Azurins with a Re(CO)3(diimine)-Tryptophan Unit
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Tu, 23.10.2012
- Tu, 23.10.2012
Prof. Andrea Cannizzo, Institut für Angewandte Physik (IAP) Universität Bern
Electronic and Vibrational Relaxation Dynamics
Uni GE, Maison de Pinchat
Th, 18.10.2012
- Th, 18.10.2012
Dr. Martin Berninger, Institute for Experimental Physics, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Efimov physics and beyond: Universal few-body phenomena in an ultracold gas of cesium atoms
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 11.10.2012
- Th, 11.10.2012
Prof. Dr. Thomas Feurer, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
joint IAP and DCB seminar on Physical Chemistry NCCR MUST - Methodologies, Strategy, and Goals
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, S481 DCB, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 04.10.2012
- Th, 04.10.2012
Prof. Dr. Jürg Osterwalder, Physik-Institut, Universität Zürich
Molecular monolayers on well defined surfaces: structure, bonding and dynamics (joint IAP and DCB seminar on Physical Chemistry)
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, S481 DCB, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 01.10.2012
- Fr, 05.10.2012
Albert Stolow, ETH-Fast Fellow, National Research Council Canada
Dynamics of polyatomic molecules using laser fields
ETH Zurich + EPFL Lausanne
Th, 13.09.2012
- Th, 13.09.2012
Dr. Howard Scott, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, USA
Non-LTE Modeling for Laser-Driven Systems
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Tu, 11.09.2012
- We, 12.09.2012
Chii-Dong Lin, ETH-Fast Fellow, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, USA
Strong-field Physics + Attosecond Science
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HCI D 8
Th, 06.09.2012
- Th, 06.09.2012
Leili Masoudnia (1), Mabel Ruiz Lopez (2), Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Dry run of SWISS summer school talks: (1) Plasma Homogenization for Overcoming Refractive Losses in X-ray Lasers (2) Critical aspects for a XUV microscope
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 16.08.2012
- Th, 16.08.2012
Dr. József A. Fülöp, University of Pécs, Hungary
Prospects of THz Pulse Generation with mJ-Level Energy and 100 MV/cm Electric Field
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Fr, 06.07.2012
- Fr, 06.07.2012
Prof. Jorge Ripoll Lorenzo, Physics Department, University of Fribourg
Light Sheet and Projection Tomography Techniques for in-vivo time-lapse imaging
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal A97, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 21.06.2012
- Th, 21.06.2012
Steve Lecomte, PhD, Section Head, Time & Frequency Systems Division, CSEM Centre Suisse d'Electronique et de Microtechnique SA, Neuchâtel
Time & frequency activities at CSEM : from atomic clocks to stabilized lasers
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 31.05.2012
- Th, 31.05.2012
Prof. Dr. Gerd Meyer, Institut für Anorganische Chemie, Universität zu Köln, Germany
joint IAP and DCB seminar on Physical Chemistry Rare-Earth Metal Cluster Complexes with Endohedral Atoms
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal Chemie S481, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Tu, 29.05.2012
- Tu, 22.02.2022
Prof. Dr. Henry Chapman
Femtosecond protein nanocrystallography with an X-ray laser
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HCI J 3
Th, 26.04.2012
- Th, 26.04.2012
Dr. Manuel Ryser, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Multi-stage ytterbium fiber-amplifier for weak picosecond laser pulses generated by a gain-switched laser-diode
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Fr, 20.04.2012
- Tu, 22.02.2022
John C.H.Spence, ASU Physics and LBNL, USA
Fast bioimaging with an X‐ray laser
Mo, 02.04.2012
- Mo, 02.04.2012
Amelle Zaïr, Imperial College London
Probing molecular dynamics using trajectories
ETH Hönggerberg, HPF G6
Th, 15.03.2012
- Th, 15.03.2012
Prof. Massimo Olivucci, Laboratory for Computational Photochemistry & Photobiology, Bowling Green State University, OH, USA
joint IAP and DCB seminar on Physical Chemistry From Computational Photobiology to the Development of Biomimetic Molecular Devices
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 12.03.2012
- Mo, 12.03.2012
Dr. Darko Dimitrovski, Aarhus University, Denmark
Models for ultrafast experiments
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
We, 07.03.2012
- We, 07.03.2012
Edoardo Baldini, Faculty of Engineering, University of Pavia, Italy
Nonlinear Optical Effects in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Wire Waveguides
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B78, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Tu, 06.03.2012
- Tu, 06.03.2012
H. R. Reiss, Max-Born-Institut and American University
Hot Topics in Strong-Field Physics
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HPF G-6
Th, 01.03.2012
- Th, 01.03.2012
Prof. André Stefanov, Quantum Optics Lab, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
What are leap seconds? The atomic time and its relation to astronomical time scales
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 23.02.2012
- Th, 23.02.2012
Prof. Dr. Eric Mazur, Harvard University Department of Physics, Cambridge, USA
Subcellular surgery and nanosurgery
ETH Zurich, HPF G-6
We, 08.02.2012
- We, 08.02.2012
Philippe Zeitoun, ENSTA-Paris Tech, Palaiseau cedex, France
The brightest issues of 10 years of seeding soft X-ray lasers
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 15.12.2011
- Th, 15.12.2011
Florian Garo, Häner group, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Bern
DNA as a framework for the assembly of aromatic chromophores: on the application for light harvesting systems
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B77, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 08.12.2011
- Th, 08.12.2011
Dr. Brian J. Smith, University Lecturer and Tutorial Fellow, Department of Physics and Keble College, University of Oxford
Ultrafast Photonic Quantum Technologies: Photon Sources and Detectors
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B77, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 05.12.2011
- Mo, 05.12.2011
Prof. Dr. Armin Scrinzi, LMU, München
Photo-ionization by strong IR fields
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Th, 24.11.2011
- Th, 24.11.2011
Dr. Salvatore Bagiante, Laboratory for Micro- and Nanotechnology, PSI, Villigen
Carbon nanotubes: Synthesis, Characterization and Integration
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B77, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 21.11.2011
- Mo, 21.11.2011
Dr. Lukas Gallmann, Ultrafast Laser Physics, IQE, ETHZ
Measuring in the attosecond domain - techniques and applications
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Th, 17.11.2011
- Th, 17.11.2011
Prof. Dr. Giulio Cerullo, Physics Department, Politecnico di Milano
Photoinduced processes in biomolecules
Uni ZH, Institute of Physical Chemistry
Th, 10.11.2011
- Th, 10.11.2011
Prof. Dr. Karsten Buse, Fraunhofer Institute of Physical Measurement Techniques, Freiburg, and, Institute of Microsystem Technology (IMTEK), University Freiburg, Germany
Advanced Nonlinear Optics with Lithium Niobate Crystals
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B77, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 03.11.2011
- Th, 03.11.2011
Prof. Francesco Piazza, Université d'Orléans, Département de Physique, Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire, Orléans, France
Dissecting the mechanistic bases of allosteric transduction in proteins: a coarse-grained approach
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B77, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
We, 12.10.2011
- We, 12.10.2011
Henry Chapman, Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, DESY Hamburg, Germany
Imaging Proteins with X-ray Free-Electron Laser Pulses
ETH Hönggerberg HPV G4
Th, 22.09.2011
- Th, 22.09.2011
Dr. Ariana Rondi, GAP-Biophotonics, University of Geneva
Coherent Discrimination of Biomolecules in the Deep UV
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B77, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Fr, 16.09.2011
- Fr, 16.09.2011
Dr. Mirjam van Daalen Science Officer SwissFEL, PSI
Scattering and diffraction experiments
University of Bern
Mo, 12.09.2011
- Mo, 12.09.2011
Dr. Mirjam van Daalen Science Officer SwissFEL, PSI
Spectroscopic experiments
University of Bern
Fr, 19.08.2011
- Fr, 19.08.2011
Prof H. Rabitz from Princeton, Department of Chemistry
A Perspective on the Quantum Control Road Ahead
Auditoire Stuckelberg, Ecole de Physique, Quai Ansermet 24
Su, 10.07.2011
- Fr, 15.07.2011
Prof. Dr. Hans Jakob Wörner, Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, ETHZ
Probing chemical dynamics by high-harmonic spectroscopy
Femto10, Madrid
Th, 07.07.2011
- Th, 07.07.2011
Dominik Leuenberger, Universität Zürich, Surface Physics Group
Disentanglement of electron dynamics and space-charge effects in time-resolved photoemission from h-BN/Ni(111)
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Tu, 05.07.2011
- Tu, 05.07.2011
Prof. Dr. Kishan Dholakia, FRSE, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St Andrews, North Haugh, St Andrews, Scotland
Shaping the future of biophotonics: applying novel light fields
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 30.06.2011
- Th, 30.06.2011
Prof. Antonín Vlcek, Jr., School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, United Kingdom., J. Heyrovský Inst. of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Dolejškova 3, CZ-18
Ultrafast Excited-State Processes of Re Carbonyl-Diimine Complexes: from Excitation to Photochemistry
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B77, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Su, 19.06.2011
- Fr, 24.06.2011
Peter Hamm, Uni ZH, Switzerland - Local Organiser
Timeresolved Vibrational Spectroscopy XV
Centro Stefano Francini at Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
Tu, 31.05.2011
- Tu, 31.05.2011
Prof. Ton G. van Leeuwen, Biomedical Engineering and Physics, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Biomedical Photonic Imaging Group, MIRA Institute for Biomedical Technology and Technical Medicine, University of Twente
Measuring tissue scattering by Optical Coherence Tomography
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal A97, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Mo, 30.05.2011
- Mo, 30.05.2011
Peter Moulton, Vice-President and Chief Technology Officer, Q-Peak, Bedford, MA
Tm:fiber lasers: Recent developments and applications
ETHZ, Hönggerberg Campus, HCI J-7
We, 25.05.2011
- We, 25.05.2011
Prof. Tony Heinz, Columbia University, NY
Spectroscopy of Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene
Lieu Auditoire Stuckelberg, Ecole de Physique, Quai Ansermet 24
Th, 19.05.2011
- Th, 19.05.2011
Prof. Dr. Andreas Zumbusch, Department Chemie, Universität Konstanz, 78457 Konstanz
Non-linear vibrational microscopy
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 05.05.2011
- Th, 05.05.2011
Prof. Dr. Thomas Wihler, Mathematical Institute, University of Bern
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 21.04.2011
- Th, 21.04.2011
Jan Locher, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Trapping of metallic Mie particles using a radially polarized laser beam
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Th, 14.04.2011
- Th, 14.04.2011
Prof. Dr. Jeroen A. van Bokhoven, ETHZ and PSI
Shining light on Catalysts
ETHZ, Hönggerberg Campus, HIL E5
Th, 14.04.2011
- Th, 14.04.2011
Prof. Dr. Albert Stolow, Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences, National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada
Multi-modal CARS Microscopy Using a Simple Femtosecond Source
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Tu, 12.04.2011
- Tu, 12.04.2011
Albert Stolow, NRC, Ottawa, Canada
Polyatomic Molecules in Laser Fields: Dynamics, Control, Strong Fields
ETHZ, Hönggerberg Campus, HCI J-4
Th, 07.04.2011
- Th, 07.04.2011
Prof. Dr. Mathias Kläui, Laboratory of Nanomagnetism and Spin Dynamics, SwissFEL, Paul Scherrer Institut & Institute of Condensed Matter Physics, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Ultrafast Spin Dynamics and Spin Manipulation
Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Tu, 05.04.2011
- Tu, 05.04.2011
Gadi Eisenstein, Technion Institute of Technology, Israel
Dynamics and noise properties of quantum dot lasers and amplifiers
ETHZ, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Mo, 04.04.2011
- Mo, 04.04.2011
Ian Walmsley, University of Oxford
Elements of a photonic quantum network
Uni Geneva, Auditoire Stuckelberg
Tu, 22.02.2022
- Tu, 22.02.2022
NCCR MUST Office : ETHZ IQE/ULP-HPT H3 | Auguste-Piccard-Hof 1 | 8093 Zurich | E-Mail
The National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR) are a research instrument of the Swiss National Science Foundation