InnoSuisse projects
Six InnoSuisse-projects were initiated by MUST PIs:X-ray Free Electron Laser enabled investigation of time-resolved ligand binding for drug discovery (PI Standfuss)
Start March 1, 2021, for a duration of 3 years. Granted budget CHF 692'464.
Time-resolved interaction mapping (TRIM) enables to introduce experimental structural dynamics data of small molecular ligand binding into the design of better medicines. SwissFEL femtosecond time resolution and optimized photo-switchable drug molecules are required to innovate drug discovery.
Quality Parameters of Laser-processed Parts (PI Feurer and Bystronic)
Start January 1, 2015, for a duration of 2 years. Granted budget CHF 465'440.
Abstract (in German): Gegenstand der Untersuchung sind flache metallische Werkstücke (Bleche) von einigen Zehntel Millimetern bis einigen Zehn Millimetern Dicke. Derartige lasergeschnittene Proben weisen diverse Qualitätsmerkmale auf, die in Normen beschrieben werden. Dazu gehören Schmelzanhaftungen, Verfärbungen, die Schnittflächenrauheit etc. Diese Qualitätsmerkmale werden für unterschiedliche Prozessparameter quantitativ erfasst, ausgewertet und verglichen.
A follow-up project entitled "Predictive Model for Digital Laser Machining" (PI Feurer and Bystronic) - was recently granted a budget of CHF 833'032.- CHF.
Development of a highly efficient and miniaturized femtosecond fiber-laser system at kHz repetition rates (PI Feurer and IONIGHT)
From December 1, 2014, for a duration of 2 years. Granted budget CHF 481'010.
Abstract: Development of a compact and low-power consuming femtosecond fiber-laser cavity at kHz repetition rates. We plan to operate the cavity in a stable Q-switched mode-locking regime that allows to generate high energetic laser-pulses at kHz repetition rates directly inside the cavity. The design allows to build a compact and portable laser system, which is suited for a variety of commercial applications, e.g. laser mass spectrometry, laser marking, ophthalmology and 3D printing. The economic partner is IONIGHT, whose core business is laser mass spectrometry.
Gigahertz Optical Frequency Comb (PIs Südmeyer and Keller, with JDSU
From April 1, 2015 for a duration of 3 years. Granted budget: CHF 476'967.30
Abstract: The project targets a novel technology platform of ultrafast diode-pumped solid-state lasers with a repetition rate in the gigahertz range and their full stabilization for compact optical frequency combs that will benefit many present and emerging applications. A new class of oscillators will be produced for the R&D and biomedical markets and a complete self-referenced GHz frequency comb prototype will be developed to penetrate new markets in optical metrology.
Design and production of rare earth doped specialty preforms and fibers based on next generation granulated silica method (PI Feurer with ReseaChem GmbH)
From 31.10.2016 for a duration of three years. Granted budget CHF 1'357'954.
In this project the granulated silica method will be optimised for high average power fibers and tested on high power laser systems.