Attosecond pump-probe setup
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ETH Zurich Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 10 HCI G222 8093 Zurich | Martin Huppert Tel +41 44 633 4368 ma rt in .h up pe rt @p hy s. ch em .e th z. ch | |
Setup / Configuration
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![]() ![]() The top image shows the design of the attosecond interferometer using a semi-infinite gas cell as XUV source and a velocity-map imaging (VMI) spectrometer as detector. The bottom image shows the realization in our laboratory. | Our setup generates a controlled attosecond delay between two ultrashort pulses: an infrared or ultraviolet and an extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) pulse. The attosecond interferometer represents a versatile tool to realize pump-probe measurements of electronic dynamics in polyatomic molecules. It can be combined with an XUV spectrometer for transient absorption measurements, a VMI spectrometer for angle-resolved photoelectron measurements or with a photoelectron time-of-flight spectrometer for liquid samples. We are using a sophisticated stabilization scheme to stabilize the interferometer to arbitrary delays. The feedback loop using interferences of a He-Ne laser beam is realized fully digitally in a real-time computer system, which allows loop rates in the kilohertz range. In addition, a white- light interferometer gives information about the absolute path length difference between the two arms of the interferometer. | |
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