High-harmonic generation setup
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Laboratorium für Physikalische Chemie ETH Zürich Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 10 8093 Zürich | Andres Tehlar Tel +41 44 633 42 61 an dr es .t eh la r@ ph ys .c he m. et hz .c h | |
Setup / Configuration
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![]() The setup consists of two chambers. In the source chamber (right-hand side of the picture), high harmonics are generated in a supersonic gas jet (rotational temperature ~ 10 K) using femtosecond infrared pulses. | The generated light propagates into a differentially pumped XUV imaging spectrometer (left side), where a grating disperses the light in the horizontal dimension while allowing free divergence in the vertical dimension. The spectrally-resolved far-field profile is imaged by a MCP-phosphor-screen assembly and a CCD camera. The gas jet can be heated or cooled to reach temperatures between 20 and 150°C. In the source chamber, an ion detector is installed that measures the total ion yield generated during the HHG process. A flexible optical setup in front of the chamber allows for a variety of pump-probe experiments with femtosecond pulses ranging from 200 to 2600 nm. | |
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