Free software tools and code - The Virtual Femtosecond Laboratory
Lab2 is an add-on to LabView, developed by the Feurer group, allowing to simulate a large variety of experiments in ultrafast optics in a very comfortable and intuitive way..
Electronic Excitation induced by your own pulse -
create your own ultrafast experiment (Vanicek Group, EPFL). You can try out this educational experiment using this link..
New attosecond pulse reconstruction modality - minimal example MATLAB code
In the context of a recent publication by the Keller and Feurer groups (see Highlight for details), the authors offer a minimal example MATLAB code that demonstrates the capabilities of this method based on four example data sets. Use of this software is free under the condition, that you include a reference to the original publication (below) whenever you make use of it. Download software (10.56 MB)..